

Weight control is slightly different than controlling other habits like nail-biting, smoking, etc. You may cease biting your nails or stop smoking permanently and still live, but you cannot stop eating forever. Therefore, even though you may eat smaller quantities of food to stay alive, there is always the possibility that you may eat too much. I will teach you the best types of hypnotic instructions to impress upon your conscious and subconscious mind during … Read more

The Secret of Successful People

What is success to you? A great contribution to others? Making a lot of money? Having peace of mind? Being happy? Being fit in mind and body? To be alive after a major operation? What is the secret ingredient that allows some to be more successful than others? The secret is what pictures we hold in our head. We think in pictures. Think of the place you live, your car, an upcoming vacation. We even dream … Read more

Stop Smoking, Lose Weight: Is Will Power Needed?

Sure, anyone would agree that will power is helpful to stop smoking, to lose weight or 1000 other desires. However, will power comes from the conscious mind. Hypnosis works with the subconscious mind, where automatic habits have their roots. When people come to a hypnotist, they usually want to boost self-discipline or mental mastery to improve their health, life or skills. I have not presented any hypnosis entertainment for over 30 years, but I can … Read more

Hypnosis Weight Control Without Will-Power

My hypnosis weight control seminars and recordings have proven extremely successful for many people. People come to see me for self-control. Hypnosis does not depend upon the will power of your conscious mind. Hypnosis concentrates the imagination in the subconscious mind. Hypnosis is guided success daydreaming with magnified concentration. Hypnosis helps you to stick to a plan, but if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Most other weight loss programs show about a … Read more

Why Hypnosis is Stronger Than Will Power

With over 50 years of study and practice in the field of hypnosis, I can tell you that what most people look for when they see a hypnotist is self-control, self-discipline. People will say “My will power comes and goes, mostly goes”. Hypnosis works because the method relies upon imagination. Imagination is much stronger than will power. Young hypnotists often learn this example: Place a strong solid wood plank or metal beam on the floor. … Read more

Interesting facts about Romane Hypnosis Seminars

Romane hypnosis programs have been presented throughout North America, from Hawaii to Newfoundland. Romane books and recordings have been distributed to 37 different countries. The Romane Stop Smoking Seminar has been held in almost every English speaking city and town in Canada with over 600 people. The Romane Stop Smoking Seminar has helped more people in Canada to stop smoking than any other seminar. Romane Hypnosis Programs have been presented to as many as 10,000 … Read more

Shawna Peterson reports her results after using Romane Weight Hypnosis CD’s

I attended a Romane lose weight seminar with a girlfriend on Saturday, April 8, 2017. After listening to the Stop Sugar Addiction and the Lose Weight collection of CD’s, I am proud to say that I’ve lost 20lbs already! Yes, I am drinking my 8 – 10 glasses of water a day.  Yes, I’m getting more active and got a Fitbit to track my 10,000 steps per day, BUT what has kept me motivated has … Read more

What happens at the Romane Weight Loss Seminar?

During my 2 ½ hour seminar, I deeply relax the audience through mass hypnosis, locking their concentration upon my voice. People often ask: “What if I can’t be hypnotized?” I believe that I can train most anyone to be hypnotized if they want to be hypnotized and if they follow my simple instructions. Once hypnotized, life changing instructions s are then impressed upon their subconscious mind. These hypnotic instructions include locking a very detailed and … Read more

This free information from Hypnotist Romane can save your life.

Understand and Control How Your Thoughts and Emotions Affect Your Mind and Body Health Extreme emotional stress or “a broken heart” can cause death. When Debbie Reynolds passed away, her son said that the stress of his sister Carrie Fisher’s death the day before was too much for his mother to take as she planned the funeral for her daughter. Known medically as stress-induced cardiomyopathy, it can strike anyone, even those in good health with … Read more

Effect of Hypnosis On the Brain

A group of researchers at the Stanford School of Medicine used brain imaging to discover what was happening to people while they were hypnotized. The images captured regions of the brain that were most active and most dormant while the participants were hypnotized. The team saw changes in three areas: Decreased activity in a region known as the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, a region known to be critical for evaluating ideas. Hypnotized people are able … Read more