Why Hypnosis is Stronger Than Will Power

With over 50 years of study and practice in the field of hypnosis, I can tell you that what most people look for when they see a hypnotist is self-control, self-discipline. People will say “My will power comes and goes, mostly goes”. Hypnosis works because the method relies upon imagination. Imagination is much stronger than will power.

Young hypnotists often learn this example: Place a strong solid wood plank or metal beam on the floor. Most anyone can walk on it 100 times and keep their balance. Now, take that same solid plank or beam and place it between the roofs of two tall buildings. Most people would not chance the walk, even in the best of calm weather. Our imagination begins to create all the worries of losing our balance, fear of falling, danger, death, etc. If we did walk between the roofs, the average person would likely be focused on the fear of falling, lose balance and indeed fall to his demise. Learn to control your mind, your mouth, your thoughts and your words. Self-talk, positive or negative can make or break you.

If we think that breaking an addictive habit like smoking, overeating, gambling, drinking or others will be hard, it probably will be. We become the thoughts we hold in our head. Want to be a nonsmoker? Then influence your subconscious with hypnosis that you already are, believe it, feel it, own it. Want to lose weight? Then bombard your subconscious mind with instructions that you are already slim, that you eat slowly, dislike greasy, fatty and sweet foods, that you love to move your body, leave food on your plate, that you are full with less food and so on.

Years ago, Earl Nightingale discovered “The Strangest Secret”: we become what we think the most about. Hypnosis is used as the only anesthetic tool when people are unable to use standard chemical anesthesia. They can die from it. As a result, hypnosis has even been used for heart surgery and brain surgery. Hypnosis is a very powerful tool. Hypnosis is not sleep. Hypnosis is guided and magnified concentration on the voice of the hypnotist.

Will power is not very effective because the energy comes from the conscious mind. Hypnosis is far more effective simply because it uses subconscious mind power. Besides, habits are stored in the subconscious mind, so you want to go to where the problem exists. That’s why people will automatically light a cigarette, and sometimes without being consciously aware, two cigarettes at the same time. People drive their car for miles subconsciously and can’t remember what they passed, or drive right past their exit. Or, they read a few pages of a book and cannot remember what they just read, demonstrating amnesia. People will bite their nails, smoke and eat without even being fully aware what they are doing, automatically, subconsciously.

Words are like surgical weapons for good or evil. Adolph Hitler used them for evil. I have spent thousands of hours to design my seminars and hypnosis recordings so they have impact. You just relax and listen, but do not try hard. Try hard to remember something on the tip of your tongue or try hard to fall asleep at night and you become more wide awake. When you relax, you can remember better and you fall asleep faster. No need to try hard. Hypnosis is so simple a child can do it. Treat it like play. You do not need a great imagination. If you can close your eyes and remember what a green or red apple looks like, you have enough imagination. If you can place a stem and green leaf on the apple, even better.

Hypnosis works because to the subconscious, imaginary experience is real. That is why someone will say: “My dream seemed so real.” The subconscious mind never sleeps. I place words and images into the theatre of your mind to convince you that you are already the person you want to be. The movies I direct into your mind become stronger with practice. Practice makes perfect. Being hypnotized is a skill. Some are naturals and some need conditioning. That is why reinforcement is recommended: we do two hypnosis sessions at the live seminars; home use hypnosis recordings should be played more than once. The ideal mind saturation with new ideas is a live seminar, followed by hypnotic reinforcement recordings. Millions do fine with hypnosis recordings alone.

If you cry tears of sadness, or tears of joy and happiness, the tears have different chemicals. Your thoughts create chemicals. These natural chemicals created by your brain and body influence your feelings. Your feelings control your behavior. Your brain and body produce more different chemicals than are on the largest pharmacy shelves. I carefully choose the words and images to store in your head. These chosen words and images have emotional impact to change your thoughts, feelings and behavior … to blast your self-esteem and confidence through the roof.

I guide your conscious mind to step aside and then guide your subconscious mind to follow simple instructions, to focus upon my voice. Your subconscious vacuums all the instructions/directions/commands/suggestions for the changes you want in your life. Do you want to end something? Or, do you want to install something new in your mind? Whatever you do, you will do it better with hypnosis.

To make any change, you need a plan. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Hypnosis is the plan. No alien controls your hand to eat the wrong food, to use chewing tobacco, to gamble, etc. Your subconscious mind controls your hand. Hypnosis controls your subconscious mind. Want a change in your life? It’s in your hands now to take the first step and DO SOMETHING. Your plan using my hypnosis seminars or recordings will give you backbone. Wishing is nice, backbone is better. Knowledge plus ACTION gives you energy, power and a new life. If what you do does not work, do something different.

Have you ever gone to sleep and told yourself to awaken at a certain time and you did? Before sleep is an ideal time for positive self-suggestion or listening to hypnosis recordings. The positive instructions drift into your subconscious as you fall asleep and echo in your mind to succeed at what you want to happen. For more information on my many different hypnosis recordings, visit https://www.vanceromane.com (main site) and http://www.romane.ca (weight loss site).