What you need to know about hypnosis

What you need to know about hypnosis by M. Vance Romane

 What is Hypnosis? Hypnosis is state of mind like daydreaming. A professional hypnotist works with you to direct your thoughts and daydreaming to health, success, and happiness. This simple and easy procedure guides you to tap into your own mind power to change your thoughts, feelings, and behavior to become your best you. In hypnosis, you drop all negative beliefs and limitations that may be holding you back. Hypnosis is a state of effortless, focused concentration to make success happen. A hypnotist is an expert in the choice of words, phrases, and images to stimulate your subconscious mind to motivate you to believe in yourself, to expect the best and to take action to make success happen. For example, the correct hypnotic instructions can shatter thoughts of inferiority to build up solid self-esteem, self-confidence, and love of oneself, physically, mentally, and emotionally. In short, hypnosis is a wonderful, relaxed state of powerful meditation to focus on attaining your goal or desire.

Self-Hypnosis: Learning self-hypnosis allows you to hypnotize yourself, without need of a hypnotist. This allows you to reinforce instructions or to give yourself new instructions just like a hypnotist. This skill can be learned like any other skill, and practice makes perfect. You also develop great confidence and agility to use hypnosis for maximum performance in most any area of life, feeling the power that you are doing it all by yourself without need of a hypnotist or a recording. For example, self-hypnosis is wonderful to reinforce weight loss instructions for a few seconds before each mealtime. If you wish to learn more about hypnosis recordings, self-hypnosis or using mind power in your life, visit my large hypnosis recordings catalog at www.vanceromane.com. My hypnosis sessions and recordings have benefited hundreds of thousands of people in the past fifty plus years. Hypnosis recordings are excellent since you can repeat the same session more than once for added reinforcement.

In what areas has hypnosis proven useful? Anxiety, tension induced ailments like headaches, backaches, study, concentration, memory and recall for exams, irritable bowel syndrome, reduction and elimination of pain, burns, dealing with cancer treatment side effects, childbirth, skin conditions, menopausal symptoms. Hypnosis is a tool used by thousands of medical doctors, dentists, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, hypnotherapists, and many other professions to help their patients to enjoy a more fulfilling life. Hypnosis has over one thousand applications. Whatever you want to improve or do better, hypnosis will likely help to some degree or completely. Hypnosis is often the last resort chosen by people and frequently comes through with outstanding success.

What happens during a hypnosis session? This is much different than what you see on a hypnotist entertainer’s stage. You simply sit or lie down in a quiet room and focus your attention on the mesmerizing words and mental images presented by the hypnotist. This can be done live, by zoom through the internet or with a hypnosis recording. A professional hypnotist is an expert choosing the right words, phrases, and mental images for you to do what you want to do. Words have meanings to our subconscious mind and create emotions that change behavior, feelings, thoughts, and even physical sensations. Every cell we have has a brain and a chemical factory that responds to the right words and images. Knowing how to tap our mind power is the secret. During hypnosis, you are always aware and in control of what you will accept or not accept. Your subconscious mind tends to accept whatever is good for you.

Can YOU benefit from hypnosis? If you wish help, you can likely benefit from hypnosis. Hypnotist and client or patient are two minds working together to achieve the same outcome. A professional hypnotist has many methods if a second one is needed. Even a light state of hypnosis can create amazing life changes. The more you trust your hypnotist, the more you let yourself relax and simply pay attention to the hypnotist, the better your hypnosis will be in depth and in results.

How does hypnosis work? Growing up we may have absorbed the wrong mental sets in our inner subconscious mind. This can cause us to have unhealthy or unproductive thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Deeply hypnotically relaxed, the door to the subconscious mind opens to help make those old worn-out ideas become distant, foggy, hazy, misty, cloudy, to fade away to nothingness and be replaced by productive positive thoughts, images, and expectations; to see the present and future in a new light. For example, focusing on new solutions rather than problems. Research with hypnotic suggestions has shown to change activity in certain areas of the brain.

Example: Even without hypnosis, thoughtfully imagine a specific person you like or love honestly and sincerely telling you one of the following: “You look so: radiant, lovely, cute, dazzling, beautiful, handsome, stunning, gorgeous, attractive. You are a head-turner, so loveable, desirable, timeless, wonderful, an extraordinary loving soul, hot, sexy, delicious, ravishing … I am so glad to be with you. I wish I met you 10 years earlier. You are an angel.” When you imagine that, do one or some of these words uplift your spirits or make you feel better?  If the right suggestions, said the right way, are given when you are hypnotized, the emotional effect and your behaviour change can be one hundred plus times more powerful, magical.

Always remember, you are unique, special.

Warmest regards,
Vance Romane