What is really happening when you are hypnotized?

Every hypnotist session you have from different hypnotists or different recordings will vary greatly, depending upon their choice of methods, their voice and their personality. Hypnotic directions affect the emotional, feeling part of your mind, connecting with your subconscious or inner mind. Hypnosis is a learning process and you get better using it through practice. Hypnotic focus upon the hypnotist’s voice changes mindset, thoughts, feelings and behaviour. One may logically decide with their conscious mind that smoking is dangerous to their health and costs too much money. Subconsciously, there may be hidden desires to keep smoking. That’s why conscious will power is often weak, but hypnotic suggestions direct to the subconscious can cause immediate and powerful change. The root of the problem is hidden in the unaware part of your mind, the subconscious. The solution to the issue at hand is often discovered by exploration into the subconscious mind.

People generally know what they want to improve. They just do not know how and that’s the reason to seek out hypnosis. The hypnotist helps you to reach your goals. Hypnosis removes emotional blocks that are preventing success and installs a confident mindset. Negative thoughts and emotions that are a wall to success can be eliminated.

In hypnosis, you feel like you have been asleep, but hypnosis is not an ordinary sleep. Instead, you may feel super alert, super aware or may feel like you are drifting in and out of daydreams. At times you may hear everything clearly, yet at other times feel you are missing a word or sentence. Hypnosis has different levels all the way to extremely deep relaxation. After a hypnosis session, people often say “I have never felt so relaxed”.

Before you are hypnotized, ask yourself what you want to experience when you are finished the session. Peace of mind? A feeling of bliss? Calmness? Confidence? Lose my desire for greasy foods, sweet foods? This will set your intention.

Hypnosis will transport you to your personal mental sanctuary where negativity vanishes and positivity is supreme. Your mind is open for changing the furniture so to speak because you are in a highly focused mental state, focused upon building love for yourself, effortless will power, great confidence, and a solid expectation and belief in your ability to succeed. Your mind is more focused in hypnosis than at any other time in your life.

After several live or recorded hypnosis sessions, you will likely be able to just think the word ‘relax’ or ‘calm’ and be able to feel peace and calm in seconds. So, by taking responsibility for your success which includes motivation for change, following the hypnotist’s simple instructions, improvement and success may seem like magic. Right after a hypnosis session for weight control, a client may say “I don’t think I was hypnotized, I don’t feel any different.” However, when they sit down to eat, they will then say “I’m leaving food on my plate. I’ve never done that before. I am chewing and enjoying my food more, yet I feel full and satisfied with less. I find I am doing exercise, but I don’t know why. I used to hate exercise.”

When the client and hypnotist work together, the fastest and most permanent change will occur. Although many people do well with a single hypnosis session, hypnosis repeated for the issue will be the best course of action. Also, if the client learns self-hypnosis, this again will give faster positive results and lasting results. Hypnosis success is a learning process.

Many people’s ideas about hypnosis are coming from movies or television which often give a false picture of what hypnosis really is as an experience. Really, hypnosis is simply a highly focused state of concentration where everything else may seem to disappear or be unimportant except for the hypnotist’s voice. It is this selective attention upon the positive words and mental pictures spoken by the hypnotist which brings successful results. Medical doctors have been using hypnosis in hospitals for about 180 years, so it must be helpful.

Many people think “I was not hypnotized” because they did not fall asleep. A hypnotic sleep is different from an ordinary sleep. You may feel super aware of sounds around you, especially the voice of the hypnotist. You will hear everything, but some people do forget some of what the hypnotist said when the hypnosis is ended. However, these positive suggestions keep working beyond awareness. Repetition makes them stronger.

Some people who visit a hypnotist for the first time are nervous, have difficulty looking directly at the hypnotist and their eyes wander about the room. Hypnosis is actually a wonderful experience and the most common comments after hypnosis are “I have never felt so relaxed before”; “I know I have stopped smoking for good”, or simply “Wow, I feel fantastic”. Others will notice the positive changes only after they have left the hypnotist’s office. By the second session, the person is no longer nervous, but totally focused and connected to the hypnotist right away.

I often hear people say: “Hypnosis recordings won’t work, I need to see him live.” This is the greatest misconception. Thousands of people all over the world have used my recordings, reporting success and their gratitude. Besides, I no longer present almost 100 seminars a year as in the past. Waiting is a big mistake. Taking action today brings a new life. Hypnosis communicates with the subconscious mind, not the conscious mind. The conscious mind may want change, but the subconscious may not. That’s why hypnosis often works when nothing else does.

The subconscious is so literal that if I said to you when you are hypnotized, “Can you tell me your name?”, you would likely say “Yes”, instead of your name. This is because the subconscious mind is so exact and focused under hypnosis. Hypnosis is an intimate experience of communication to the deepest part of the client, their subconscious mind. That’s why hypnosis works.

It is most important that you have trust in your hypnotist and that you feel safe. Do not compare your response with your friend because it is different for everyone.

Whether using hypnosis recordings or seeing a hypnotist in person, you should reinforce the post hypnotic suggestions by repeating them again, even if you feel completely successful after one session. You can also learn self-hypnosis and give yourself powerful mindset training for life changes anywhere at anytime, without further need of a hypnotist or recordings.

If you follow the instructions of the hypnotist, it is likely you will have success. If you are having any difficulties, you should contact the hypnotist for support. Keep loving yourself to be your best you!