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I would like to tell you about two friends from Winnipeg I will always remember.

There was Jimmy, in his 50’s who used to always say jokingly before each smoke, “Well, another coffin nail!”  This was several decades ago, I advised him to stop smoking, but he always laughed.

There was Romeo, in his 60’s, who worked at the main post office.  I often invited him to come to my stop smoking seminar, at no charge.  He never showed up.

A few years later, both died a horrible death caused by lung cancer from smoking.  In my 60’s, I continue to present my stop smoking seminars to help people who wish to be helped.  People often ask me when I am going to retire.  Since the greatest happiness comes from helping others to be happier, I continue to present the seminars as long as I can.  I truly enjoy my audiences.  Most who attend are people who are very sincere.

If I were a smoker today, there is nothing on earth that would keep me from attending a good stop smoking program.  I would travel thousands of miles if necessary.  What is everything else in life if we do not have good health?  I change thousands of lives in two and a half hours.  That gives me a wonderful feeling of personal satisfaction.

One of the great misconceptions with the public is that they need to attend my live seminar to stop smoking.  Actually, people do just as well in their own home when they listen to my hypnosis recordings.

If you want to change your life, you have to take the first step.  As Joe Girard says, “If it is to be, it’s up to me.” So many people have said to me: “I wish I had attended your seminar years ago.”