Vitamin D, Subconscious Success by Vance Romane

Hello Friends,

Are you getting enough Vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin”?

With COVID-19, and winter weather, many people are spending more time indoors. Vitamin D helps your body to absorb calcium needed to build and maintain strong teeth and bones; reduces the risk of many illnesses including common cancers; autoimmune diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis and MS) and cardiovascular disease; helps maintain proper blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. Current studies show Vitamin D deficiency is common in almost every segment of society. Adequate amounts of Vitamin D and calcium can prevent or slow osteoporosis and reduce bone fractures; reduce risk of muscle pain (definitely helped me) and weakness.

Vitamin D deficiency is caused by more time spent indoors and increasing use of sun protection which blocks the skin from absorbing sunlight it needs to create vitamin D naturally. Few foods provide it or are fortified with Vitamin D. Standard multivitamins usually do little to help this deficiency.

“…many experts say vitamin D intakes should be at least 800 to 1000 IU a day in all adults. Some even recommend a higher daily intake. If you are over age 50, live in northern latitude (where sunlight is rare in certain months), have darker skin or have a condition that makes it difficult for you to absorb nutrients, your risk of vitamin D deficiency may be even higher than it is for others…The first step is to talk with your doctor…a blood test can be used to check for a deficiency.” Mayo Clinic

Question from several newsletter members: Gyms are closed, what exercises do you do? I am 71. Almost every day I start off with many different gentle stretches for my calves, knees, arms, shoulders, neck, etc. Some are done seated and some on a mat. Then I use my stationary exercise bike or go for a walk. After that, I use 5 different stretch bands, followed by dips and the use of a door frame chin up bar. I also use 2 foam back rollers. I used to go to a chiropractor for over 20 years. A retired chiropractor told me to try back rollers. After using those, I never felt a need to return to a chiropractor.

Sometimes I also use dumbbells (fit-bells).  This all takes about 1 ¼ to 1 ½ hours. My equipment takes up minimal space. While exercising, I often watch a documentary, travel video, movie, or listen to an informative speaker. I eat a mostly vegan diet. When I had thyroid cancer in 1996, three different physicians suggested that I stop eating meat. I was sceptical at first, but the largest and strongest animals on the planet and many fitness champions eat only a plant-based diet.

Breaking Habits/Establishing New Habits: Stop trying hard to stop something. That creates anxiety. Do not focus upon what you do not want, for that keeps the very problem in your mind. What does the child focus upon when you say: “Don’t touch or think about the cookies.” That’s right, he can’t get “cookies” out of his head. Instead, intensify your mindset upon what you gain, what you do want, the benefits. Write them down, affirm them over and over in speech, by mental visualization, self-hypnosis and guided imagery programming into your own subconscious mind. Focus on what you do want, not what you do not want. The same applies to fearing something. We attract what we focus upon with our thoughts and energy.

A Client Report Using Hypnosis to Lose Weight: “I turned on my weight loss hypnosis program, sat back in a chair and the unwanted weight took care of itself. It convinced my mind that my stomach was full after a few mouthfuls of food…it is all happening where the root of the problem is, within my subconscious mind. I am succeeding without any feeling I am depriving myself. Hypnosis simply changed my mindset…”

Surgery and Hypnosis: There appears to be an explosion of interest and increasing enthusiasm for the use of hypnosis by people everywhere. For example, hospitals around the world are incorporating mind/body techniques, meditation, hypnosis and creative visualization for health benefits for use before, during and after surgery. These relaxation techniques reduce anxiety, release muscle tension and boost the immune system. Mind programming sessions, as short as 5 minutes, twice a day, may involve clear visualizations of your body healing itself and mental movies of you imagining yourself enjoying all the rewards.

While you are unconscious during and operation, you are highly suggestible and your unconscious mind still hears sounds around you.  Requesting your anesthesiologist or surgeon to give you positive healing instructions such as “after your operation, you will feel comfortable and your body will heal rapidly … you will be a nonsmoker,” etc. can be successful. Patients who use hypnosis to change their mindset tend to use less pain medication and leave the hospital sooner. A psychologically prepared patient does better. This can include mastering relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety; visualizing healing and joining a support group.

Any goals are achieved easier and faster by removing subconscious obstacles and changing your mindset. By properly planting new positive instructions into your subconscious mind that you have already achieved your goal, you are given an immediate feeling of success and accomplishment that propels you towards success. This overwhelms any lack of confidence or fears you may have that may have been holding you back. Hypnosis recordings can give you the same benefits as if you met your hypnotist in person.

Some Favorite Quotations to share with you:

“I saw few die of hunger – of eating, a hundred thousand.” Benjamin Franklin, American Statesman, Inventor, Author

“For the sake of health, medicines are taken by weight and measure; so ought food to be, or by a similar rule.” Philip Skelton

“Consider how much more you often suffer from your anger and grief, than from those very things for which you are angry and grieved.” Marcus Aurelius Antonius, Roman Emperor, Philosopher

“If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” N.T., Mark, iii, 25.

“All that one gains by falsehood is, not to be believed when he speaks the truth.” Aristotle, Greek Philosopher

“What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” N.T., Matthew, xvi, 26.

“Success or failure in business is caused more by the mental attitude, even than by mental capacities.” Walter Dill Scott, American Educator

“When we have practised good actions awhile, they become easy; when they are easy, we take pleasure in them; when they please us we do them frequently; and then, by frequency of act, they grow into habit.” John Tillotson, Archbishop of Canterbury

“Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power.” Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Roman Philosopher

“The sexes were made for each other, and only in the wise and loving union of the two is the fulness of health and duty and happiness to be expected.” William Hall, English Poet

Thoughts rule the world.” Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet and Essayist

May you envelop yourself with optimism and positivity,

Vance Romane