Tips for your best sleep ever … Part Two

Tips for your best sleep ever … Part Two

  • Creative Success Visualization Imagery Before Sleep: We become what we think the most about, especially in hypnosis and before sleep. This works for most any goal. Make it real using all your senses. In the movies of your mind, see yourself in your mind’s eye sleeping peacefully, awakening feeling rested, restored and refreshed; going through the day feeling great and going to sleep at the end of the day feeling satisfied how the day went. Better yet, picture yourself at the end of the year having had great days, good sleep and feeling happy every day. Trust your subconscious to fill in the gaps to make this happen. Follow the other tips in this article to assist your subconscious.
  • Take an imaginary walk through Disneyland, a mountain hike, a leisurely bike ride, a tour of a flower garden or return to vacation places you enjoyed visiting. Be there. Remember what you saw, heard, smelled, tasted and felt. Make it as real as you can with your imagination. Be creative, detailed and take your time creating the daydream.
  • Imagine your worries in words crawling across the bottom of a TV screen, going around and around, but for now you turn the TV set off and the TV now has a blank black screen for it is off.
  • Place all your worries in an airplane, rocket, train, garbage truck, gondola or cruise ship that will depart when loaded up and which will travel out of your sight.
  • Slow down racing thoughts with a cool cloth on your forehead.
  • Enjoy relaxing reading or listening to soothing music before sleep (Recommended:’ My meditation music and ocean sounds CD’s:

How about self-growth, inspirational, uplifting reading before sleep.

  • Make a conscious effort to slow down and unwind until tomorrow.
  • If unable to sleep, get up and do something else such as non-stimulating reading, until you are sleepy. Or, do something boring like washing all the clean dishes or counting all the alphabet letters of words in a book.
  • Some recommend relaxing herbal teas such as chamomile and passion flower.
  • Some recommend calcium and magnesium to reduce muscle tension and thereby relax the body. B complex is said to promote healthy nerve function. Check with your physician before taking any drugs, herbs or vitamins.
  • Adequate sleep is important to stay trim. A lack of sleep causes a stress response which increases cravings, the risk of obesity and depression, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and decreased attentiveness with memory difficulties.
  • Sleep apnea is a condition marked by frequent breathing interruptions during sleep and may benefit from losing weight (use my Lose Weight CD’s or DVD’s and my book “Fit and Firm”:  Sleep apnea affects up to 6-7% of the population. Low oxygen from apnea makes you tired and sleepy in the daytime and increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, heart disease and other problems. With any medical condition, consult with your physician.
  • A poor diet and nutritional deficiencies can interfere with sleep.
  • When flying, to avoid jet lag, turn down alcohol and caffeine on the airplane, but drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. On arrival, spend time outdoors in sunlight to help you reset your internal clock.
  • Aim for a relaxed day. You may want to change your lifestyle or even occupation. Your most important goal should be your personal health. Stress affects relationships, happiness, health of the body, mind and spirit. Live a simple life, a life of moderation and good health. Be good to yourself.
  • I’ve heard many say the item they worked hard to buy brought them temporary happiness, but they were happy again the day they got rid of it. Don’t be a workaholic. Who wants to be the richest person in an early grave?
  • If you have a chaotic day, your children will feel it. Avoid nighttime news and scary movies. Are your children in too many extracurricular activities that shorten sleep time? Make bed and bath time fun with songs and games, but avoid over stimulation. A favorite blanket or stuffed animal can be comforting to a child. A back massage with a nice scented massage oil (lavender, chamomile) can bring parent and child closer and improve sleep.
  • Avoid work clutter near your bed. Write down your worries or tasks in a list and put them away for another day. Tell yourself that sleep is more important than anything else.
  • Have a regular sleep time so your mind and body are used to falling asleep at roughly the same time, even on weekends.
  • Do not fall asleep with the TV or radio on.
  • Keep a pad of paper and pen near your bedside. If you write something down, you can then forget about it.
  • Laugh more.  Our bodies produce healthy chemicals when we laugh which leads to healthy changes in the body, including more oxygen to the brain, a stronger immune system, endorphins, better sleep, lower blood pressure, less stress hormones, reduced need for medication, being less likely to have a heart attack, heart disease or illnesses, and a happy glow on your face with shining eyes.
  • Every night before you fall asleep, think about three good things that happened to you that day, three things for which you are grateful.
  • Using hypnosis can make it possible for insomnia sufferers to have a normal sleep.  Hypnosis relaxes the body and that alone can help you to fall asleep.  Hypnosis can be used to eliminate headaches, stress and anxiety, all of which can prevent you from having a good night sleep.
  • When using a hypnosis recording to fall asleep, you may fall asleep before the recording ends, then drift off into a normal sleep and awaken alert, relaxed, and refreshed. After listening to the recording several times, you should fall asleep on your own by simply applying the exercises on the recording, but without the recording. (Recommended: My Fall Asleep Easily hypnosis CD:

In conclusion, never try hard to fall asleep. Never keep your mind alert trying to notice when you have fallen asleep. Just let your mind wander in a dream like state and sleep will come. It’s like trying to remember something on the tip of your tongue. When you stop trying, the thought usually comes back, perhaps when you are walking somewhere, in the shower or some unrelated activity. Do not wonder if you are in hypnosis for you probably will not be aware of it anyway. Let it all be a fun game and enjoy your journey through the years. Leave unpleasant events of life in the past and live in the present. Valleys help us to enjoy the mountains.