The Romane Hypnosis Experience, Stop Smoking

Hello Friends,

I am feeling more optimistic every day about everyone having better days ahead, thanks to the increasing vaccination rates! This newsletter is about stopping smoking …

If you are still smoking or if you know anyone struggling with quitting smoking, I can solve that problem with my Multiple Method System, the method most recommended by the U.S. Surgeon General. To give you confidence in my stop smoking system, I am sharing the following:

10 Reasons Why The Romane Stop Smoking Experience is #1:

  • With my Stop Smoking System, you receive an 800 line for free phone support. The good news is my stop smoking system is so successful that most never need it.
  • I have helped more Canadians to stop smoking than anyone.
  • I have over 50 years experience with hypnosis and have helped hundreds of thousands of people to stop smoking. I am a Certified Master Hypnotist and the author of over 100 hypnosis recordings and books.
  • Up to 80% of my audiences raise their hands to show that they know someone who has successfully stopped smoking with my system. See Video Proof
  • My stop smoking system uses the MULTIPLE METHOD APPROACH – the method most recommended (out of 700 different stop smoking programs) by the U.S. Surgeon General Research Report.
  • The Romane Experience is NATURAL – no nicotine systems.
  • My stop smoking system also helps you to achieve maximum health and to be relaxed and calm.
  • The cost of the complete seminar as a download, on CD’s or DVD’s is only the cost of a few packs of cigarettes. Stopping smoking saves the average smoker thousands of dollars a year, but more importantly their health.
  • The home use system is riveting, relaxing, friendly, sincere, inspiring, motivating and delivers proven results.
  • I have invested thousands of hours and thousands of dollars by researching over 1000 stop smoking programs since the 1960’s. I have also surveyed thousands of my clients to find out what really works! Yes, the recordings are just like attending my live seminar, but experiencing my system in your own home allows you two advantages … to repeat any part of the system for reinforcement anytime and to have a more comfortable chair!

HYPNOSIS MAKES IT MUCH EASIER AND AUTOMATIC, without willpower. You will lock a new healthy mind-set into your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND for success. Romane Hypnosis Experiences are zero effort, zero thinking.

Read what clients who stopped smoking with my system say about the experience:

Order Here:

Wishing you a better you, every day!

Vance Romane