The Power of Negative and Positive Thinking

A person can crave alcohol, sweet foods, or tobacco today and within minutes, his cravings may be gone with the correct hypnosis suggestions. Some respond successfully instantly with hypnosis, while others may need more time, or hypnosis conditioning. Those who can relax quickly and powerfully focus their mind on the voice of the hypnotist do very well. Those who have tension and constant fears, worries, and anxieties going through their mind may take more time to help.

Some people need to be dehypnotized from the negative thoughts they have placed in their own mind. Negative thoughts and worries can lock into the mind when we are emotional with embarrassment, fearful, angry, sexually aroused, or anytime our mind is focused in everyday life. This is accidental negative self-hypnosis. The consciously forgotten initial sensitizing cause of the problem can be discovered in the subconscious during hypnosis. This is similar to forgetting a name or phone number that comes back to you when you are more relaxed.

Knowing the cause of the problem is the hypnotist’s guide to creating the best curative hypnotic suggestions. Subsequent events in our life can intensify any established worry, fear, or anxiety. Just worrying about your problem can intensify the problem and keep it going. Hypnotic super concentration on the voice of a hypnotist and new positive instructions totally change the negative subconscious programming so that the person is now back in control, relaxed, confident and happier in everyday life.

People in love exhibit a form of hypnosis: “love is blind.” People may say: “What does she see in him?” We often imagine what we want to see and see what is not there. Reasoning with someone in love is usually unsuccessful. People can be obsessed with someone. Hypnosis can be a fast cure to forget someone after a broken relationship. The cause and the cure are both established by concentration and imagination.

Concentration is essential to a successful life. A focused mind is a strong mind. With a distracted scatterbrained mind, advice and suggestions do not register. With a focused mind, we can absorb hypnotic direction for maximum performance. The right hypnotic programming helps someone to be relaxed, to believe in himself, and motivates him to achieve success. The person becomes more creative and breaks through invisible barriers that were holding him back. Fearful visions of the future vanish, when replaced with positive mental imagery. We become the pictures we hold in our mind.

Will power to sleep does not work. Imagining yourself relaxed, sleeping soundly, deeply, and awakening in the morning refreshed, rested and happy does work when done with hypnosis. Fear, worry and anxiety attract that which is feared…”For what I fear comes upon me, And what I dread befalls me.” When the mind has negative thoughts, then the body has tension. Organs, glands, nerves, blood vessels and tiny cells are influenced in an unhealthy way. Every cell has a mind which is influenced by our thoughts. The vicious circle of tension, fear, worry and anxiety may be broken by hypnotic relaxation alone, thereby eliminating the problem. 70 to 90% of problems appearing in the physician’s office are either caused by stress, or made worse by stress.

It is important that we love our self as a miracle. You will always be beside yourself. People like to be around positive people who love themselves. Hypnosis is a tremendous tool to build self-acceptance and self-esteem. Hypnotic commands need to be positive, simple and to use imagination rather than will power. Many children and adults are held back by tension, nervousness, worry, and anxiety. Hypnosis can often rapidly achieve success where other methods have failed. We can become our personal best. Even physical strength is proven greater with instructions in hypnosis. Olympic champions perform better. People face their challenges as an adult instead of as a frightened child.