Effect of Hypnosis On the Brain

A group of researchers at the Stanford School of Medicine used brain imaging to discover what was happening to people while they were hypnotized. The images captured regions of the brain that were most active and most dormant while the participants were hypnotized. The team saw changes in three areas: Decreased activity in a region known as the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, a region known to be critical for evaluating ideas. Hypnotized people are able … Read more

The Power of Negative and Positive Thinking

A person can crave alcohol, sweet foods, or tobacco today and within minutes, his cravings may be gone with the correct hypnosis suggestions. Some respond successfully instantly with hypnosis, while others may need more time, or hypnosis conditioning. Those who can relax quickly and powerfully focus their mind on the voice of the hypnotist do very well. Those who have tension and constant fears, worries, and anxieties going through their mind may take more time … Read more

How Your Mind Works

Hypnosis is super concentration of the mind. You are not distracted by everyday thoughts. The greater the focus of the mind, the “deeper” the hypnosis. However, even a “light” or “medium’ trance with positive instructions from the hypnotist can produce enormous changes in your life. If the hypnotic directions or commands are not agreeable to the client, they can be rejected by what I call the subconscious censor. The mind and body constantly influence each … Read more

Mind-Body Connection and Hypnosis Research

The University of Miami and the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center have published a breast cancer study showing that the combination of meditation, stress management and cognitive therapy (that includes changing beliefs with hypnosis) can lower the death rate from any disease by 79%…….75% lower the risk of dying from breast cancer and 55% lower the risk of recurrence. Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have determined that the brain is directly connected … Read more

Romane’s Seminars and How to Maximize Your Mind Power (Part 3 of 3)

Romane’s Seminars and How to Maximize Your Mind Power (Part 3 of 3) A few more thoughts: Stop the struggle: “I have to stop smoking”; “I have to be hypnotized”; “I have to get rid of this pain.” Such intensity creates worry, stress, and other negative emotions. Do not “try hard”. People try hard to fall asleep, and can’t sleep. They try hard to remember something, but when they stop trying, the memory often comes … Read more

The Greatest Secret For Health and Happiness

Most people now-a-days are stressed out with work, children, family obligations, always being contacted by emails, phone calls, text messages, and an unlimited number of requests from others or ourselves to be busy.  A recent study from China of 138,000 people reported that people with high stress jobs had a 22% greater risk of stroke over those with low stress positions, but that increased to 33% for women.  Anger or stress release more adrenalin and … Read more

Hypnosis, Your Subconscious Mind and You

Understand how your mind works If you attend any of my live seminars or use any of my hypnosis recordings, you should pat yourself on the back for loving yourself enough to look after your own health and well being. When I ask an audience of hundreds of people “Do you know anyone who has successfully lost weight or stopped smoking using my hypnosis seminars or recordings?” up to 80% of the hands go up … Read more

Does Hypnosis Really Work?

A German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer once said: “All truth passes through three stages: first it is ridiculed; next it is violently opposed; third it is accepted as being self-evident.” When people do not understand something, they often fail to investigate further. In fact, often they fear the unknown so much that they would never dare to investigate further.  Hypnosis is used globally as a tool by thousands of physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, dentists, ministers, counsellors, social … Read more

Make the Impossible Possible Real

How many times have you thought something was impossible, but you did it?  How many times have parents, employers, friends, and even physicians have said you will never do this or that, but they were dead-wrong.  Many times I have heard physicians say “this is going to hurt, you’ll never walk again, there is no cure”, and if the person accepted the belief, that is exactly what would happen. Our beliefs rule our lives, unless … Read more

More tips to increase the effectiveness of hypnosis:

You can imagine you are an actor playing a role. To make it real, imagine what you see, hear, feel, taste and smell. Really immerse yourself into the fantasy as you are guided by Romane’s relaxing voice. The important principle is that the subconscious accepts imaginary experiences as if they are real experiences. That is why a dream can seem like a vivid experience of real life. Here is how you can vary the visual: … Read more