Romane, 50,000 attend Concert; Regain Youthful Vitality

Good News Subscribers! Getting Back to Normal: This past weekend, New Zealand rock band Six60, played what may be the largest live concert in a year when they performed in front of 50,000 fans at Eden Park Stadium in Auckland, New Zealand with no masks and no social distancing. Their Tour continues in November to locations in France, Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, and Ireland. New Zealand had a low Covid rate because they responded rapidly … Read more

Romane Shares Advice from 100 Year Seniors; Stress Control

Anxiety, Fear, Poor Sleep Therapists, counsellors, and coaches are currently overwhelmed with clients seeking help for fear and anxiety from lockdowns, social and economic restrictions, social distancing, lack of hugging and intimacy, lifestyle changes, health and job fears, concerns about children’s education and the economy, disturbed sleep and bizarre dreams, negative thinking, needle phobia and increased relationship breakdown caused by Covid-19. Isolation and loneliness are negatively impacting physical and mental well-being. There has been an increase in … Read more

Good News for a Change

Good Things Are Happening, Better Days Are Coming In spite of the fears and confusion around us, good things are happening. There is less air and noise pollution and a creative, innovative, generous entrepreneurial spirit. There is a slower paced life for the things you never had time for in the past. There is gratitude for what we took for granted, especially our health and essential service workers. Isolation and introversion are cool; kindness is … Read more

Mike Tyson Hypnotized, Anxiety, Exercise Motivation, More…

Anxiety, do you have it? Are you frequently: fearful, nervous, a worrier, overwhelmed, stressed, irritable, argumentative? Do you often experience: a restless mind, trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, a constant fear of things going wrong, social withdrawal from people and events, physical symptoms such as a pounding chest and shortness of breath, procrastination, difficulty starting and finishing tasks, or a need to control all situations, to be perfectionistic? My recordings that help you to … Read more

Nothing Like the Power of Programming Positive Thoughts While You Are Hypnotized

We attract what we focus our mental energy upon. The subconscious cannot tell the difference between reality and imagination. That’s why dreams seem so real, yet real life can seem like a dream. With the powerful concentration of hypnosis, you can imagine yourself already successful. A can of pop has about 10 teaspoons of sugar. One a day can give you about 15 pounds of fat by the end of the year, and one pop … Read more

How to Use the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

How To Use The Most Sophisticated Computer In The World – Your Mind Please share this article with people who you feel can benefit from this information. Helping others too is real personal power. Two Minds: We have a conscious mind to learn to drive, to type, to ride a bicycle and everything else. After a while, we can drive while talking, listening to a radio and while thinking of something else; we can type … Read more

How To Use The Power Of Your Mind To Lose Weight (Part 8)

POSITIVE ATTITUDES AND PRE-PLANNED ALTERNATIVES: “Smiling is the most inexpensive make-up” “If you think you can, or if you think you can’t, you are right” “Concentrate upon what you do want, not what you don’t want. Forget I can’t because… focus on the details and changes of your certain success” “As in the past you gave your body too much or the wrong foods, continue now to feed your mind new attitudes, new ideas, new … Read more

How To Use The Power of Your Mind to Lose Weight (Part 4)

CHANGE BEGINS IN THE MIND Your will power comes and goes. Before my clients see me, they say will power mostly goes. Psychological experiments tell us that when the imagination and the will are in conflict, the imagination always wins. So you can use your imagination to change your feelings, attitudes and behaviour. Several examples will be given. Choose the ones which seem the most powerful to you. You have had dreams at night which … Read more

How To Use The Power Of Your Mind to Lose Weight (Part 3)

HOW TO USE THE POWER OF YOUR MIND TO LOSE WEIGHT (Part 3) Another good tactic is to use small spoons and forks. This will make it easier for you to eat more slowly and to chew your food more thoroughly. It seems like you have eaten more food if you use small utensils and thus have to make more trips between the plate and your mouth. You will eat more slowly and feel full … Read more

Why Hypnosis is Stronger Than Will Power

With over 50 years of study and practice in the field of hypnosis, I can tell you that what most people look for when they see a hypnotist is self-control, self-discipline. People will say “My will power comes and goes, mostly goes”. Hypnosis works because the method relies upon imagination. Imagination is much stronger than will power. Young hypnotists often learn this example: Place a strong solid wood plank or metal beam on the floor. … Read more