FINAL REMINDER: Freedom from Smoking with Hypnotist Romane!

FINAL REMINDER: Freedom from Smoking with Hypnotist Romane! Heads Up! The online seminar price will double from $79 to $158 soon. Are you ready to break free from the chains of smoking and embrace a healthier, more vibrant life? Our online stop smoking seminar, powered by the transformative effects of hypnosis, is your key to a smoke-free future! If you smoke now, what’s in it for you by attending Romane’s Seminar? * Healthier Lifestyle: Experience … Read more

Romane Hypnosis Help to Keep Resolutions, Better Sleep, More

Happy New Year to all our thousands of subscribers! I have included more help to keep your resolutions plus tips to help a current frequent problem, difficulty having a sound sleep. Answer to the Most Frequent Question from Subscribers: No live Romane Hypnosis Seminars are planned this year in any cities except Edmonton, Sun. Jan. 22, at the Fantasyland Hotel. If you or your friends are unable to attend, I recommend that you order the hypnosis … Read more

Reese Witherspoon hypnotized and more!

Hello Friends, Here are some current hypnosis articles appearing in the news, enjoy! Hypnosis in the News: Reese Witherspoon: Before filming the movie WILD in 2014, Reese was hypnotized to battle her nervousness, anxiety, and panic attacks about the filming. The film involved nudity, sexuality, drug use, and being alone on camera with no other actors for many days of filming. “I hadn’t ever been alone in scenes for days and days. There were probably … Read more

Romane, 50,000 attend Concert; Regain Youthful Vitality

Good News Subscribers! Getting Back to Normal: This past weekend, New Zealand rock band Six60, played what may be the largest live concert in a year when they performed in front of 50,000 fans at Eden Park Stadium in Auckland, New Zealand with no masks and no social distancing. Their Tour continues in November to locations in France, Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, and Ireland. New Zealand had a low Covid rate because they responded rapidly … Read more

Romane’s Mind Power Help for Stress, Anxiety and More

Thought for the Day:  Which is worse worldwide? Current number of people who have died from COVID-19: 320,000 Number of people dying of Smoking: Over 8 million every year (Source: World Health Organization). Public Health of Canada has reported that in 2017, 64% of Canadians over the age of 18 were overweight or obese, and about 30% of children aged 5-17 were overweight or obese. Gratitude Thoughts: Did you know that about 23,000 of our fellow human beings die every day from hunger? This statistic is higher … Read more

Maintaining Mental and Physical Health during COVID-19 Isolation: Anxiety and Boredom Solved

Many people have e-mailed me that they have “island fever”, “lockdown cabin fever” or are going “stir crazy” being cooped up inside their home due to coronavirus. Introversion is now cool. Personally, I am never bored because there are so many things to do. To eliminate boredom as well as anxiety and worry, here are many steps I take and many more you may want to do: • Have an Italian night with Italian music. … Read more

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy, Holiday Season and More

In my 70 years, I have helped hundreds of thousands of people to reach a better life of health, happiness and success. I’ve seen many sad or depressed people rejuvenate to become joyful with peace of mind and a positive outlook towards the future. They did this by less internal work, less thinking over and over about their past. They started more external thinking about others, helping them with time and attention, caring and love, … Read more

Why Hypnosis is Stronger Than Will Power

With over 50 years of study and practice in the field of hypnosis, I can tell you that what most people look for when they see a hypnotist is self-control, self-discipline. People will say “My will power comes and goes, mostly goes”. Hypnosis works because the method relies upon imagination. Imagination is much stronger than will power. Young hypnotists often learn this example: Place a strong solid wood plank or metal beam on the floor. … Read more

This free information from Hypnotist Romane can save your life.

Understand and Control How Your Thoughts and Emotions Affect Your Mind and Body Health Extreme emotional stress or “a broken heart” can cause death. When Debbie Reynolds passed away, her son said that the stress of his sister Carrie Fisher’s death the day before was too much for his mother to take as she planned the funeral for her daughter. Known medically as stress-induced cardiomyopathy, it can strike anyone, even those in good health with … Read more

The Greatest Secret For Health and Happiness

Most people now-a-days are stressed out with work, children, family obligations, always being contacted by emails, phone calls, text messages, and an unlimited number of requests from others or ourselves to be busy.  A recent study from China of 138,000 people reported that people with high stress jobs had a 22% greater risk of stroke over those with low stress positions, but that increased to 33% for women.  Anger or stress release more adrenalin and … Read more