Stop Smoking and Lose Weight with Hypnosis in Victoria BC

Reminder for those living in VICTORIA, BC One Day Only! SAT., MAR. 4th  ROMANE WEIGHT LOSS HYPNOSIS SEMINAR, 2 PM. After attending, many have dropped up to 125 pounds and more, even if they love to eat! ROMANE STOP SMOKING HYPNOSIS SEMINAR, 7 PM. Thousands have stopped smoking permanently after just 2 hours. Discount Advance Tickets at (Register early and receive my hypnosis preparation tips for maximum success). Advance Sales Close at 5 PM, Friday, … Read more

Two More Great Live Seminars Coming to Victoria!

SAT., MAR. 4: VICTORIA, B.C. WEIGHT LOSS SEMINAR: 2 PM STOP SMOKING SEMINAR: 7 PM Four Points by Sheraton Victoria Gateway Hotel, 829 McCallum Road Click for Discount Advance Tickets Every day is a great day to show as much love for yourself and your health as you show to others! Each seminar will focus upon “brain rinsing” the negative instructions OUT of the subconscious mind and replacing them with positive instructions for a brand-new … Read more

Hypnotist Romane Fixes Broken Resolutions

Why Will Power Often Fails with Smoking and Weight Loss At the beginning of each New Year, millions of people around the world try to stop smoking, lose weight, or attain success in hundreds of other areas using willpower. Romane says, “If willpower worked, we would not need anything else. Willpower uses the conscious mind, but the root of a habit, negative thinking, unhealthy behavior, and failure is often in the subconscious mind.” A professional … Read more

Compassion for Smokers

Here is an article I wrote based on government and psychological research about Smoker’s Mindset. Smokers identify themselves as smokers. The mental picture they hold in their head is being a smoker. They say, “I am a smoker,” Cigarettes are a “friend” in times of boredom, loneliness, a bond with others who smoke and something to do with the hands. Cigarettes are always there in times of stress or rough times for calming relaxation. Unfortunately, … Read more

Hypnosis in the News

Here are some interesting “In the News” articles, enjoy! New Zealand is planning to outlaw smoking for the next generation so they will never be legally able to buy tobacco in the country. Under proposed new legislation, the legal age of eighteen for buying tobacco will be raised progressively, Associate Health Minister Dr. Ayesha Verrall said at a news conference Thursday. The government plans to put the bill before Parliament in 2022. Alongside the proposed law, … Read more

Benefits Of Being A Non-Smoker

by Vance Romane Our next online stop smoking hypnosis seminar is Feb. 12th. Many people chase wealth over health, then try to buy their health back, but it is often too late. Smokers need to stop before smoking stops them. 95% of lung cancer cases are in smokers. Health is the most priceless gift to yourself or others. Please click this link for more information on the new seminar: http//: . Your discount code is FRIEND. … Read more

Quit Smoking Naturally, Fast

Dear Friends, If you smoke, please read this email or if you know someone who does, please share this, and show you care. Quit Smoking Naturally, and Fast We are entering the final hours to register and join the world’s finest Quit Smoking Seminar, yet one of the lowest priced! Have you given thousands of dollars to tobacco companies every year, and what do you get in return? A shortened life, ashtray breath, wrinkles, yellow … Read more

ONLINE Romane Stop Smoking Hypnosis Seminar

Hello Friends, I have had people all over the world contact me asking if I can present my Stop Smoking with Hypnosis Seminar in their country. I have had people ask me if they can come to a live seminar without a vaccination ID. I have had people with medical difficulties tell me that they are unable to attend the live seminar. Telehealth, “the provision of healthcare remotely by means of telecommunications technology” is now … Read more

The Romane Hypnosis Experience, Stop Smoking

Hello Friends, I am feeling more optimistic every day about everyone having better days ahead, thanks to the increasing vaccination rates! This newsletter is about stopping smoking … If you are still smoking or if you know anyone struggling with quitting smoking, I can solve that problem with my Multiple Method System, the method most recommended by the U.S. Surgeon General. To give you confidence in my stop smoking system, I am sharing the following: … Read more

Maintaining Positivity

Positive Word Power Magic Positive or negative words, thoughts, feelings and mental images will release healthy or unhealthy chemicals in our brain and body. These all dramatically affect our happiness, success, health, our relationships and most any other area of our life. Read these positive words and imagine that you possess what they evoke in you. This exercise will make you feel better. However, if the same words are carefully woven together, then repeated to … Read more