What happens at the Romane Weight Loss Seminar?

During my 2 ½ hour seminar, I deeply relax the audience through mass hypnosis, locking their concentration upon my voice. People often ask: “What if I can’t be hypnotized?” I believe that I can train most anyone to be hypnotized if they want to be hypnotized and if they follow my simple instructions. Once hypnotized, life changing instructions s are then impressed upon their subconscious mind. These hypnotic instructions include locking a very detailed and … Read more

Mind-Body Connection and Hypnosis Research

The University of Miami and the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center have published a breast cancer study showing that the combination of meditation, stress management and cognitive therapy (that includes changing beliefs with hypnosis) can lower the death rate from any disease by 79%…….75% lower the risk of dying from breast cancer and 55% lower the risk of recurrence. Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have determined that the brain is directly connected … Read more

The Greatest Secret For Health and Happiness

Most people now-a-days are stressed out with work, children, family obligations, always being contacted by emails, phone calls, text messages, and an unlimited number of requests from others or ourselves to be busy.  A recent study from China of 138,000 people reported that people with high stress jobs had a 22% greater risk of stroke over those with low stress positions, but that increased to 33% for women.  Anger or stress release more adrenalin and … Read more

Hypnosis, Your Subconscious Mind and You

Understand how your mind works If you attend any of my live seminars or use any of my hypnosis recordings, you should pat yourself on the back for loving yourself enough to look after your own health and well being. When I ask an audience of hundreds of people “Do you know anyone who has successfully lost weight or stopped smoking using my hypnosis seminars or recordings?” up to 80% of the hands go up … Read more

How to be Easily Hypnotized

One way to understand this is to imagine yourself in a rowboat, rowing hard to the middle of a calm lake. Now that you are in the middle of the lake, put the oars down and lie down on your nice soft down filled mattress in the boat. Simply close your eyes, relax, and pay close attention to the sounds around you. There is nothing you have to do. All you have to do is … Read more

Frequent Question: Is it Possible I Can’t be Hypnotized?

If you participate in a stage hypnosis comedy show for entertainment purposes, you may not be hypnotized. The method of hypnosis used at a hypnosis show is designed to work rapidly, to be entertaining. Because of the speed of the hypnotizing method, some of the volunteers may not be hypnotized. Also, some people may not be able to focus their attention, as they believe they will be asked to do embarrassing acts. Many people experience … Read more

Cellular Memory, Positive Thinking and Your Destiny

Cellular Memory: Emotions and beliefs are stored in our subconscious mind, but also in our cells. Strange as it may seem, patients who received a new heart transplant, who had no information about their donor, in several documented cases, experienced changes in their tastes, preferences, behaviors, emotions and habits. The new traits turned out to be those of their organ donor. Those traits were remembered by the cells of the transplanted heart. Positive Thinking and … Read more

How to Get the Most Out of Hypnosis

It was not until the 19th century that Dr. Sigmund Freud was able to prove the existence of a “second mind”. This “second mind”, the subconscious, holds absolute control over our life. The subconscious controls our habits, our likes, our dislikes, thoughts, feelings, behaviour, health, our success, and our failure. You may temporarily forget a name, a word, a number, or some fact, but then it comes back to you. This proves the existence of … Read more

Seven Steps to Success:

Seven Steps to Success: Choose a career or goal for which you have enthusiasm and passion. Stop blaming others and take personal responsibility for your success Plan steps to become an expert to succeed at what you want to do Take action on your planned steps Before sleep, visualize the benefits of your success in your mind. Make it real by imagining what you see, hear, and feel as if your goal already accomplished Be … Read more

Electronic Cigarettes or Romane’s Stop Smoking Seminar

An e-cigarette is a battery-powered device which is a substitute for tobacco smoking.  It usually uses a heating element that vaporizes a liquid solution.  Some solutions contain a mixture of nicotine and flavour, while others release a flavored bubbler without nicotine.  If they release nicotine, they carry a risk of developing a nicotine addiction. Apparently, some of these devices have shown to contain cancer causing agents, similar to nicotine gum and inhalers, according to the … Read more