Hypnosis to Stop Smoking and More…

When you are hypnotized, you are super aware of bodily sensations and sounds around you, but especially focused upon the hypnotist’s voice. To be hypnotized involves generating mind focusing and programming beliefs such as you are a non-smoker and coming out of hypnosis with new healthy thoughts locked in the mind. Because you believe differently, you act differently. You can control how deep a level of hypnosis you wish to enjoy and experience. Basically, all … Read more

How To Use The Power Of Your Mind (Part 11)

“SEVEN SECRETS FOR A HAPPIER LIFE” Many times I have been asked to reveal secrets for a happier life. I would like to share some with you in the hope of making your life more satisfying. There are many causes of pain. Check with your physician before using this technique. Sit or lie down comfortably. With your index finger of one hand, actually draw a picture in mid-air of the pain. Make the “drawing” as … Read more

Duchess of Cambridge fresh after Royal baby hypnobirth

CATHERINE, the Duchess of Cambridge, is a hypnobirther who used self-hypnosis and visual imagery during labour, resulting in an easy birth and speedy recovery. HypnoBirthing International vice-president Vivian Keeler said the royal couple used the program for their first two births as well. HypnoBirthing International Australian faculty member Anthea Thomas said the birthing technique would explain Catherine’s relaxed appearance so soon after her son’s birth. The royal couple is reported to have had 5 hypnosis … Read more

Self-Hypnosis Instruction

Imagine the fading of reality around you and your absorption in the voice of the hypnotist. That is called hetero-hypnosis. Take away the hypnotist; fade away the reality again while you are absorbed in your own pre-planned positive thoughts. That is self-hypnosis. Beginners experiencing hetero-hypnosis or self-hypnosis often worry that they are not hypnotized, or that the suggestions (instructions) for health, happiness, success, or self-control will not work. This self-doubt eats up mind power energy, … Read more