Romane’s Hypnosis News and More

I hope you are having a fantastic summer where you live. In Vancouver, BC we have had beautiful weather for quite a while. Here are the most recent hypnosis news articles for you to enjoy (and more): Anxiety: The United States Center for Disease Control has released research about the huge increase of anxiety and stress during these Covid times. For people between 18 to 59 years of age, 24% to 38% report suffering from anxiety. Before Covid, … Read more

Reese Witherspoon hypnotized and more!

Hello Friends, Here are some current hypnosis articles appearing in the news, enjoy! Hypnosis in the News: Reese Witherspoon: Before filming the movie WILD in 2014, Reese was hypnotized to battle her nervousness, anxiety, and panic attacks about the filming. The film involved nudity, sexuality, drug use, and being alone on camera with no other actors for many days of filming. “I hadn’t ever been alone in scenes for days and days. There were probably … Read more

The Romane Hypnosis Experience, Stop Smoking

Hello Friends, I am feeling more optimistic every day about everyone having better days ahead, thanks to the increasing vaccination rates! This newsletter is about stopping smoking … If you are still smoking or if you know anyone struggling with quitting smoking, I can solve that problem with my Multiple Method System, the method most recommended by the U.S. Surgeon General. To give you confidence in my stop smoking system, I am sharing the following: … Read more

Romane, 50,000 attend Concert; Regain Youthful Vitality

Good News Subscribers! Getting Back to Normal: This past weekend, New Zealand rock band Six60, played what may be the largest live concert in a year when they performed in front of 50,000 fans at Eden Park Stadium in Auckland, New Zealand with no masks and no social distancing. Their Tour continues in November to locations in France, Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, and Ireland. New Zealand had a low Covid rate because they responded rapidly … Read more

Romane Shares Advice from 100 Year Seniors; Stress Control

Anxiety, Fear, Poor Sleep Therapists, counsellors, and coaches are currently overwhelmed with clients seeking help for fear and anxiety from lockdowns, social and economic restrictions, social distancing, lack of hugging and intimacy, lifestyle changes, health and job fears, concerns about children’s education and the economy, disturbed sleep and bizarre dreams, negative thinking, needle phobia and increased relationship breakdown caused by Covid-19. Isolation and loneliness are negatively impacting physical and mental well-being. There has been an increase in … Read more

Weight Control Secrets and How Nature Heals Us

Everyone knows that highly processed foods and junk foods are a major cause of gaining weight. I encourage you to read this entire newsletter, even if you are fit and firm. The ideas will support you in other areas as well. Many people are hypnotized by the repetition of billions of dollars of seductive advertising and packaging that promote the consumption of unhealthy foods.  Psychologists are hired to develop humorous or emotion provoking advertisements to … Read more

Weight Loss and More!

Gaining Control of Your Behavior: Our conscious thinking mind does not control many of our actions. People usually do not want to procrastinate, to be fearful, to overeat, to smoke and so on. There is an unconscious engine that drives much of our behavior. Fortunately, hypnosis is a highly efficient system to change thoughts, feelings and behavior which are under the control of the unconscious mind. Our information about the world arrives through our five … Read more

How to Keep a Positive Mindset by Vance Romane

I hope you will find something in this newsletter to bring greater happiness in your life. I have always found that I am happier focusing upon what I can do and what I have rather than upon what I cannot do or what I do not have. I live a simple life without a lot of wants. When I watch thousands of people leaving their city which is being bombed, walking hundreds of miles to … Read more

Romane’s Help for Anxiety, Stress, Sleep, Social Isolation, More

Current Newsworthy Notes About Hypnosis … by Vance Romane Anxiety and Stress: This is now being reported by far more people than before the pandemic. Fear, social isolation, boredom and time on their hands has been causing many people to increase smoking, overeating, drinking, drugs, insomnia and even viewing porn sites. Anxiety can destroy concentration, cause overthinking, an inability to make decisions and catastrophizing of minor issues.  Hypnosis is a great gift for anyone to use … Read more

Loving yourself and your body, Success

How to love yourself and your body by Vance Romane Slow down your life. Take time out to eat slowly, chew well and really taste your food to enjoy it more. This will aid digestion and help to lose weight. When you chew your food thoroughly, your hunger is more easily satisfied with less food. Take a time out for yourself every day to meditate quietly in a comfortable place. Close your eyes, relax your … Read more