Break Free: Overcome Invisible Barriers Holding You Back

Romane Mind Power Newsletter: March 25, 2025 Unlock Your Mind’s Full Power: Why Most People Fail at Change – And How You Can Succeed Instantly Have you ever wondered why some people struggle for years to break bad habits, lose weight, or gain confidence—while others seem to transform effortlessly? The secret isn’t willpower, discipline, or even motivation. It’s the power of the subconscious mind. The truth is, your subconscious mind controls up to 95% of … Read more

Vance Romane: Your Simple Secret to Inner Peace

Romane Newsletter: March 10, 2025 Your Simple Secret To Inner Peace: Value Your Inner Peace Over External Validation – Imagine you’re holding a balloon. Every time someone praises you, it’s like adding a bit more air—your balloon rises. But the moment you face criticism or rejection; it’s like a pinprick to that balloon. Pop! Suddenly, your confidence deflates, and you’re left scrambling to fill it up again. That’s what happens when we rely on external … Read more

What you need to know about hypnosis

What you need to know about hypnosis by M. Vance Romane  What is Hypnosis? Hypnosis is state of mind like daydreaming. A professional hypnotist works with you to direct your thoughts and daydreaming to health, success, and happiness. This simple and easy procedure guides you to tap into your own mind power to change your thoughts, feelings, and behavior to become your best you. In hypnosis, you drop all negative beliefs and limitations that may … Read more

How to be well-liked and respected.

How to be well-liked and respected. Cultivating Qualities for Being Well-Liked and Respected: There are fundamental qualities that transcend gender and social boundaries, forming the foundation of meaningful relationships and mutual respect. To be well-liked and respected, regardless of gender, one must embrace a set of timeless principles that promote understanding, empathy, integrity, and growth. These principles will reward you with a fulfilling life characterized by genuine connections and a positive impact on the lives … Read more

10 Tips for Optimal Mindset for Maximum Success with Hypnosis

Hypnosis can give us mental discipline for maximum health, success, and happiness. The right mindset to be hypnotized can vary from person to person, as individuals may have different levels of susceptibility to hypnosis. However, there are some general principles that can help create a conducive mindset for hypnosis so most anyone can enjoy the great benefits of being hypnotized: Willingness and Openness: Being willing and open to the process of hypnosis is important. You … Read more

Hypnotist Romane Fixes Broken Resolutions

Why Will Power Often Fails with Smoking and Weight Loss At the beginning of each New Year, millions of people around the world try to stop smoking, lose weight, or attain success in hundreds of other areas using willpower. Romane says, “If willpower worked, we would not need anything else. Willpower uses the conscious mind, but the root of a habit, negative thinking, unhealthy behavior, and failure is often in the subconscious mind.” A professional … Read more

Romane Hypnosis for Surgery

Hypnosis for Joint Replacement: I have recently been away in New York for a right knee replacement. I had a very rapid recovery and little discomfort thanks to a skilled surgeon and self-hypnosis. Some key self suggestions include: “You have confidence in the expertise and skill of your surgeon and support staff. You look forward to all the benefits of your new knee and greater freedom of movement. Your new knee feels a part of you, … Read more

Hypnosis for People with Ordinary Everyday Problems

Hypnosis for Ordinary Everyday People with Ordinary Everyday Problems … Vance Romane Weight Control: In a research study, sixty women received weight loss help and were separated into hypnosis versus non-hypnosis groups. The women in the hypnosis group lost an average of seventeen pounds, while the non-hypnosis women only lost an average of one half a pound. (From Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986). In another study, average weight loss with hypnosis was 11.8 pounds and six pounds … Read more

Romane’s Hypnosis News and More

I hope you are having a fantastic summer where you live. In Vancouver, BC we have had beautiful weather for quite a while. Here are the most recent hypnosis news articles for you to enjoy (and more): Anxiety: The United States Center for Disease Control has released research about the huge increase of anxiety and stress during these Covid times. For people between 18 to 59 years of age, 24% to 38% report suffering from anxiety. Before Covid, … Read more

Reese Witherspoon hypnotized and more!

Hello Friends, Here are some current hypnosis articles appearing in the news, enjoy! Hypnosis in the News: Reese Witherspoon: Before filming the movie WILD in 2014, Reese was hypnotized to battle her nervousness, anxiety, and panic attacks about the filming. The film involved nudity, sexuality, drug use, and being alone on camera with no other actors for many days of filming. “I hadn’t ever been alone in scenes for days and days. There were probably … Read more