Hypnotist Romane Fixes Broken Resolutions

Why Will Power Often Fails with Smoking and Weight Loss At the beginning of each New Year, millions of people around the world try to stop smoking, lose weight, or attain success in hundreds of other areas using willpower. Romane says, “If willpower worked, we would not need anything else. Willpower uses the conscious mind, but the root of a habit, negative thinking, unhealthy behavior, and failure is often in the subconscious mind.” A professional … Read more

How To Experience Deeper and More Successful Hypnosis

For more successful and deeper hypnosis, you want to use all your senses when applicable. When the hypnotist guides you into hypnosis, imagine what is said with what you see, sounds, feelings, taste, and smell. Really go to where the hypnotist is guiding you. You do this at the beginning of the hypnosis session, collaborating with the hypnotist. With some this is automatic, natural. With others, it takes more practice until it becomes spontaneous. It … Read more

Romane Hypnosis for Surgery

Hypnosis for Joint Replacement: I have recently been away in New York for a right knee replacement. I had a very rapid recovery and little discomfort thanks to a skilled surgeon and self-hypnosis. Some key self suggestions include: “You have confidence in the expertise and skill of your surgeon and support staff. You look forward to all the benefits of your new knee and greater freedom of movement. Your new knee feels a part of you, … Read more

Romane Hypnosis Session – A gift for you!

Romane Hypnosis Session – A gift for you … The link below is a hypnosis session I recorded about 25 years ago to help people to have more energy, to increase positivity thinking, to increase self-discipline and to make it easier to achieve success, health, and happiness. Three Tips: You will always hear me and be aware that you are listening to me. Secondly, stop wondering if you are hypnotized. Listen to this recording just for … Read more

Hypnosis for People with Ordinary Everyday Problems

Hypnosis for Ordinary Everyday People with Ordinary Everyday Problems … Vance Romane Weight Control: In a research study, sixty women received weight loss help and were separated into hypnosis versus non-hypnosis groups. The women in the hypnosis group lost an average of seventeen pounds, while the non-hypnosis women only lost an average of one half a pound. (From Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986). In another study, average weight loss with hypnosis was 11.8 pounds and six pounds … Read more

Hypnosis is a Great Gift, but Few Use It

A recent world news release… Hypnosis is one of the greatest gifts we are given when we are born, but few use it.” — Vance Romane Hypnotism is increasingly recognized as a valuable tool by a variety of professionals and the public for health, happiness, and success Medical doctors practiced hypnosis discretely in the 1950’s and could lose their license for practicing hypnosis. Other physicians would shun them. Vance Romane began hypnotizing people in the … Read more

Benefits Of Being A Non-Smoker

by Vance Romane Our next online stop smoking hypnosis seminar is Feb. 12th. Many people chase wealth over health, then try to buy their health back, but it is often too late. Smokers need to stop before smoking stops them. 95% of lung cancer cases are in smokers. Health is the most priceless gift to yourself or others. Please click this link for more information on the new seminar: http//: https://vanceromane.com/zoom-registration/ . Your discount code is FRIEND. … Read more

Understanding Your Unique Hypnosis Experience

While hypnotized, you may still be aware of other sounds outside of yourself. You can suggest to yourself that outside sounds take you into a deeper level of hypnosis and melt all your tensions away. Beginners are usually unaware they are in hypnotized, but they do become aware of hypnosis after experiencing more sessions. You will sense yourself having a split consciousness, being intensely aware of your thoughts and body relaxing, yet partly aware of … Read more

Romane’s Inner Secrets of Hypnosis

Summer Greetings, I have a good one for you today. This article will reveal some of my most powerful inner secrets about how hypnosis often seems like and works like real magic. This is higher level advanced hypnosis. Enjoy … “Waking Hypnosis: Any technique in which hypnotic effects are achieved without reference to sleep or trance. It is induced through an apparently natural but carefully considered choice of simple words, gestures, and directives upon which … Read more

Romane Shares Advice from 100 Year Seniors; Stress Control

Anxiety, Fear, Poor Sleep Therapists, counsellors, and coaches are currently overwhelmed with clients seeking help for fear and anxiety from lockdowns, social and economic restrictions, social distancing, lack of hugging and intimacy, lifestyle changes, health and job fears, concerns about children’s education and the economy, disturbed sleep and bizarre dreams, negative thinking, needle phobia and increased relationship breakdown caused by Covid-19. Isolation and loneliness are negatively impacting physical and mental well-being. There has been an increase in … Read more