Exclusive Offer for Romane’s Weight Loss Hypnosis Seminar!

Unleash Your Potential for Weight Loss Success! We are thrilled to invite you to Vance Romane’s All Hypnosis Lose Weight Seminar, happening live and online via Zoom on Sunday, February 4, 2024, at 10 AM (Pacific Time). This is your golden opportunity to discover a revolutionary approach to weight loss and enjoy incredible savings with our Winter Sale – only $59 (CDN), a 50% discount from the regular price of $118! Secure Your Seat Now … Read more

A Dentist shares how to help your loved one Stop Smoking

How to Help Your Loved One Stop Smoking by Mark Burhenne, DDS In this short video, a dentist shares his thoughts on smoking and vaping: https://youtu.be/AjVBHRVEgK4 Need Help From Vance Romane? Are you ready to embark on your smoke-free journey? Join us for the Romane Stop Smoking With Hypnosis ONLINE Seminar on Sunday, June 25, 2023, at 2 PM (Pacific Time). Early bird tickets are available for the exclusive Summer Half Price Sale of only … Read more

Stop Smoking and Lose Weight with Hypnosis in Victoria BC

Reminder for those living in VICTORIA, BC One Day Only! SAT., MAR. 4th  ROMANE WEIGHT LOSS HYPNOSIS SEMINAR, 2 PM. After attending, many have dropped up to 125 pounds and more, even if they love to eat! ROMANE STOP SMOKING HYPNOSIS SEMINAR, 7 PM. Thousands have stopped smoking permanently after just 2 hours. Discount Advance Tickets at www.romane.ca (Register early and receive my hypnosis preparation tips for maximum success). Advance Sales Close at 5 PM, Friday, … Read more

How To Experience Deeper and More Successful Hypnosis

For more successful and deeper hypnosis, you want to use all your senses when applicable. When the hypnotist guides you into hypnosis, imagine what is said with what you see, sounds, feelings, taste, and smell. Really go to where the hypnotist is guiding you. You do this at the beginning of the hypnosis session, collaborating with the hypnotist. With some this is automatic, natural. With others, it takes more practice until it becomes spontaneous. It … Read more

Compassion for Smokers

Here is an article I wrote based on government and psychological research about Smoker’s Mindset. Smokers identify themselves as smokers. The mental picture they hold in their head is being a smoker. They say, “I am a smoker,” Cigarettes are a “friend” in times of boredom, loneliness, a bond with others who smoke and something to do with the hands. Cigarettes are always there in times of stress or rough times for calming relaxation. Unfortunately, … Read more

Eating like a bird, but no weight loss?

Are you eating like a bird, but no weight loss? Certain causes and negative beliefs/mind-sets locked in the subconscious mind can cause people to be overweight: Repeated parental commands in childhood to stop wasting food, to think of the starving children in China. Food is expensive, do not waste it (put it on your waist). Clean up your plate. Established childhood habit repeated: “Time for a bedtime snack.” When I had pain, fell, failed, or … Read more

What happens at the Romane Weight Loss Seminar?

During my 2 ½ hour seminar, I deeply relax the audience through mass hypnosis, locking their concentration upon my voice. People often ask: “What if I can’t be hypnotized?” I believe that I can train most anyone to be hypnotized if they want to be hypnotized and if they follow my simple instructions. Once hypnotized, life changing instructions s are then impressed upon their subconscious mind. These hypnotic instructions include locking a very detailed and … Read more