Romane’s Seminars and How to Maximize Your Mind Power (Part 3 of 3)

Romane’s Seminars and How to Maximize Your Mind Power (Part 3 of 3) A few more thoughts: Stop the struggle: “I have to stop smoking”; “I have to be hypnotized”; “I have to get rid of this pain.” Such intensity creates worry, stress, and other negative emotions. Do not “try hard”. People try hard to fall asleep, and can’t sleep. They try hard to remember something, but when they stop trying, the memory often comes … Read more

How to Maximize Your Mind Power (Part 1 of 3)

How to Maximize Your Mind Power (Part 1 of 3) Hypnotherapy is beneficial for a wide range of issues encountered in general medicine, ophthalmology, dermatology, pediatrics, anesthesiology, obstetrics and gynecology, dentistry, psychology and psychiatry. The American Psychology Association (APA) website has stated that most clinicians now agree hypnotherapy can be a powerful and effective therapeutic technique for a wide variety of conditions. Some of the areas of application are insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, anorexia … Read more

Hypnotic Pain Control, and the Power of Affirmations versus Mental Imagery

Hypnotic Pain Control, and the Power of Affirmations versus Mental Imagery Our mouth is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, as there is a high concentration of nerve endings in the mouth. That is why taking care of your dental health is very important, if you want to omit some serious dental problems. I personally run regular check-ups with our local clinic. Extracting a molar tooth from a person’s mouth without the … Read more

Who can be hypnotized? Most Anyone.

I believe I can hypnotize almost anyone, if they want to be hypnotized, and if they pay attention to my instructions. The instructions are so simple that a child can follow them. Some people can be hypnotized in seconds, while others need to be trained in the skill, or conditioned for hypnosis. The first step is to eliminate any irrational fears or misconceptions so the client feels comfortable with hypnosis. The second step is to … Read more

Hypnosis, Your Subconscious Mind and You

Understand how your mind works If you attend any of my live seminars or use any of my hypnosis recordings, you should pat yourself on the back for loving yourself enough to look after your own health and well being. When I ask an audience of hundreds of people “Do you know anyone who has successfully lost weight or stopped smoking using my hypnosis seminars or recordings?” up to 80% of the hands go up … Read more

Stress: The #1 Reason Why People Go Back to Smoking

Stress, tension, fear, worry, and anxiety increase your chances of illness. 70% to 90% of all illnesses seen by physicians are either caused by stress, or made worse by stress. Which of these stressful events have you experienced in the past year? (Check the ones that apply) _____ Death of spouse, close friend or relative _____ Divorce, separation, reconciliation _____ Minor law violation, arrest, or jail _____ Loss of job, new job, business change _____ … Read more

Self-Hypnosis Instruction

Imagine the fading of reality around you and your absorption in the voice of the hypnotist. That is called hetero-hypnosis. Take away the hypnotist; fade away the reality again while you are absorbed in your own pre-planned positive thoughts. That is self-hypnosis. Beginners experiencing hetero-hypnosis or self-hypnosis often worry that they are not hypnotized, or that the suggestions (instructions) for health, happiness, success, or self-control will not work. This self-doubt eats up mind power energy, … Read more

Does Hypnosis Really Work?

A German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer once said: “All truth passes through three stages: first it is ridiculed; next it is violently opposed; third it is accepted as being self-evident.” When people do not understand something, they often fail to investigate further. In fact, often they fear the unknown so much that they would never dare to investigate further.  Hypnosis is used globally as a tool by thousands of physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, dentists, ministers, counsellors, social … Read more

Make the Impossible Possible Real

How many times have you thought something was impossible, but you did it?  How many times have parents, employers, friends, and even physicians have said you will never do this or that, but they were dead-wrong.  Many times I have heard physicians say “this is going to hurt, you’ll never walk again, there is no cure”, and if the person accepted the belief, that is exactly what would happen. Our beliefs rule our lives, unless … Read more

Brainwave Activity Changes with Hypnosis

Brainwave activity changes with hypnosis. When you are hypnotized, you move from the wide awake brainwave beta state to slower theta waves. You experience changes such as fluttering eyelids, slower, smoother, more regular and deeper breathing. Your body relaxes, and time is distorted as your mind focuses more and more on the voice of the hypnotist, following his instructions. Time passes quickly as you drift, dream, and float with the hypnotic instructions. Good feelings are … Read more