How To Use The Power Of Your Mind (Part 11)

“SEVEN SECRETS FOR A HAPPIER LIFE” Many times I have been asked to reveal secrets for a happier life. I would like to share some with you in the hope of making your life more satisfying. There are many causes of pain. Check with your physician before using this technique. Sit or lie down comfortably. With your index finger of one hand, actually draw a picture in mid-air of the pain. Make the “drawing” as … Read more

How To Use The Power Of Your Mind To Lose Weight (Part 9)

ENJOYING HYPNOSIS FOR A BETTER LIFE Hypnosis is normal, natural and safe, something like day-dreaming. You will never encounter any problems when you use self-hypnosis. However, never try to hypnotize anyone else, unless you have had professional hypnotism training. Problems are rare, and only occur with inexperienced people hypnotizing others. Everyone experiences hypnosis differently. Reports sometimes include floating, tingling, heaviness, lightness, drifting, etc. Others feel that their consciousness has floated outside their body and they … Read more

How To Use The Power Of Your Mind To Lose Weight (Part 8)

POSITIVE ATTITUDES AND PRE-PLANNED ALTERNATIVES: “Smiling is the most inexpensive make-up” “If you think you can, or if you think you can’t, you are right” “Concentrate upon what you do want, not what you don’t want. Forget I can’t because… focus on the details and changes of your certain success” “As in the past you gave your body too much or the wrong foods, continue now to feed your mind new attitudes, new ideas, new … Read more

How To Use The Power Of Your Mind To Lose Weight (Part 6)

If you have particular food problems such as potato chips, soft drinks, donuts, butter, chocolate bars, pies, etc., specific imagery using association to disgusting thoughts may be helpful. For example, imagine worms, a mouse, a rat, maggots, lice, human and animal hairs, etc., in a coke bottle as you open it. Imagine drinking it and vomiting all over the house or in a restaurant where everyone is staring at you. Now imagine yourself refusing and … Read more

How To Use The Power Of Your Mind To Lose Weight (Part 5)

IMAGINE YOURSELF AS SLIM. Think back to how you once looked or think ahead to how you will look. Imagine that the future is now. Imagine yourself cycling on a bicycle, walking on a beach with heads turning in admiration of you, finding clothing on a store display rack that more easily fits to the body. Imagine the exact size, shape and contours you wish to have. Thin, trim, slim, and slender. Pause and think … Read more

How To Use The Power of Your Mind to Lose Weight (Part 4)

CHANGE BEGINS IN THE MIND Your will power comes and goes. Before my clients see me, they say will power mostly goes. Psychological experiments tell us that when the imagination and the will are in conflict, the imagination always wins. So you can use your imagination to change your feelings, attitudes and behaviour. Several examples will be given. Choose the ones which seem the most powerful to you. You have had dreams at night which … Read more


Weight control is slightly different than controlling other habits like nail-biting, smoking, etc. You may cease biting your nails or stop smoking permanently and still live, but you cannot stop eating forever. Therefore, even though you may eat smaller quantities of food to stay alive, there is always the possibility that you may eat too much. I will teach you the best types of hypnotic instructions to impress upon your conscious and subconscious mind during … Read more


“A calm relaxed mind can do whatever it wants to do” “When you are ready, you will lose weight” “Those who hurry to learn, learn nothing” AN EASY SELF-HYPNOSIS METHOD Darken the room, bring about quietness, unplug phone, etc. Get comfortable; loosen tight clothing; uncross your legs; do not have your hands on your chest. Preferably, lie down. Stare at some light coming through a curtain or a small spot or corner of a ceiling. … Read more

The Secret of Successful People

What is success to you? A great contribution to others? Making a lot of money? Having peace of mind? Being happy? Being fit in mind and body? To be alive after a major operation? What is the secret ingredient that allows some to be more successful than others? The secret is what pictures we hold in our head. We think in pictures. Think of the place you live, your car, an upcoming vacation. We even dream … Read more

Tips for your best sleep ever … Part Two

Tips for your best sleep ever … Part Two Creative Success Visualization Imagery Before Sleep: We become what we think the most about, especially in hypnosis and before sleep. This works for most any goal. Make it real using all your senses. In the movies of your mind, see yourself in your mind’s eye sleeping peacefully, awakening feeling rested, restored and refreshed; going through the day feeling great and going to sleep at the end … Read more