Mike Tyson Hypnotized, Anxiety, Exercise Motivation, More…

Anxiety, do you have it? Are you frequently: fearful, nervous, a worrier, overwhelmed, stressed, irritable, argumentative? Do you often experience: a restless mind, trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, a constant fear of things going wrong, social withdrawal from people and events, physical symptoms such as a pounding chest and shortness of breath, procrastination, difficulty starting and finishing tasks, or a need to control all situations, to be perfectionistic? My recordings that help you to … Read more

Protection from mind manipulation

Many things in life can be used for good or bad. Food is good, however used to excess, it is bad. Money is good for hospitals, schools, roads and libraries, but can also be used to buy bombs that murder innocent people. Love is wonderful, but if a lonely person is lured on the internet with adoring poems to send all their lifetime savings, that can end with poverty and a vanishing admirer.  Mind programming … Read more

World Hypnotism Day

This is the 16th World Hypnotism Day which is celebrated every year on January 4th. This day is intended to remove misconceptions and needless fears about hypnotism and to educate the public as to the practical power of hypnosis to help people to overcome challenges, to achieve health, happiness and success. The hypnotist functions as a guide to help his client to achieve a highly focused laser like concentration to adjust their mindset or ways … Read more

Nothing Like the Power of Programming Positive Thoughts While You Are Hypnotized

We attract what we focus our mental energy upon. The subconscious cannot tell the difference between reality and imagination. That’s why dreams seem so real, yet real life can seem like a dream. With the powerful concentration of hypnosis, you can imagine yourself already successful. A can of pop has about 10 teaspoons of sugar. One a day can give you about 15 pounds of fat by the end of the year, and one pop … Read more

How to Use the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

How To Use The Most Sophisticated Computer In The World – Your Mind Please share this article with people who you feel can benefit from this information. Helping others too is real personal power. Two Minds: We have a conscious mind to learn to drive, to type, to ride a bicycle and everything else. After a while, we can drive while talking, listening to a radio and while thinking of something else; we can type … Read more

You are a Miracle

Here is some more information to help you to enjoy your best life … Children in Hypnosis, Accidental Hypnosis: Be cautious what you say around young children. They are in a constant state of hypnosis, which means they are suggestible. I am also talking about accidental hypnosis suggestions. When someone is in an hysterical state, in an anger state, feeling ill with high fever, going under anesthetic, in a surgery recovery room, in any emotional state such … Read more

Hypnosis Tidbits

Tobacco Sales End in Beverly Hills, California…first city to end most tobacco sales. The City Council recently voted unanimously to end sales of cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes and other tobacco products by 2021. The ban includes no sales at gas stations, pharmacies, convenience and grocery stores. Only hotels and 3 plush local cigar lounges are exempted. Will this come to other cities? My smoking friends: On many occasions I asked friends like Romeo and Bud to … Read more

Hypnosis to Stop Smoking and More…

When you are hypnotized, you are super aware of bodily sensations and sounds around you, but especially focused upon the hypnotist’s voice. To be hypnotized involves generating mind focusing and programming beliefs such as you are a non-smoker and coming out of hypnosis with new healthy thoughts locked in the mind. Because you believe differently, you act differently. You can control how deep a level of hypnosis you wish to enjoy and experience. Basically, all … Read more

Triggers to Smoking (and many other addictions as well)

With Hypnosis and other Behavioural Change Technology, many triggers that make someone want to smoke must be stopped. Think of associated connections: Man/Woman; Boy/Girl; Bread/Butter; Coffee/Cigarette. The Romane Stop Smoking Seminar helps smokers to be: Free of tobacco when driving any vehicle or as a passenger Free of it before meals, while waiting for food in a restaurant or after meals   Free of it while drinking coffee Free of it while drinking alcohol Free of … Read more

How To Use The Power Of Your Mind To Lose Weight (Part 12)

STRESS AND OVEREATING Stress, tension, fear, worry, and anxiety increase your chances of illness. 70% to 80% of all illnesses seen by physicians are either caused by stress, or made worse by stress. Which of these stressful events have you experienced in the past year? Death of spouse, close friend or relative Divorce, separation, reconciliation Minor law violation, arrest, or jail Loss of job, new job, business change Change in work hours, conditions Financial setback, … Read more