How To Use The Power of Your Mind to Lose Weight (Part 4)

CHANGE BEGINS IN THE MIND Your will power comes and goes. Before my clients see me, they say will power mostly goes. Psychological experiments tell us that when the imagination and the will are in conflict, the imagination always wins. So you can use your imagination to change your feelings, attitudes and behaviour. Several examples will be given. Choose the ones which seem the most powerful to you. You have had dreams at night which … Read more

Hypnosis Weight Control Without Will-Power

My hypnosis weight control seminars and recordings have proven extremely successful for many people. People come to see me for self-control. Hypnosis does not depend upon the will power of your conscious mind. Hypnosis concentrates the imagination in the subconscious mind. Hypnosis is guided success daydreaming with magnified concentration. Hypnosis helps you to stick to a plan, but if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Most other weight loss programs show about a … Read more

Shawna Peterson reports her results after using Romane Weight Hypnosis CD’s

I attended a Romane lose weight seminar with a girlfriend on Saturday, April 8, 2017. After listening to the Stop Sugar Addiction and the Lose Weight collection of CD’s, I am proud to say that I’ve lost 20lbs already! Yes, I am drinking my 8 – 10 glasses of water a day.  Yes, I’m getting more active and got a Fitbit to track my 10,000 steps per day, BUT what has kept me motivated has … Read more

Better Sleep with Hypnosis

According to, Swiss researchers did a study on using hypnosis to help women who suffer from insomnia.  The report concluded, “After listening to a sleep-promoting audio tape containing hypnotic suggestion, women who are suggestible to hypnosis spent two-thirds less time awake, and about 80 percent more time in deep sleep compared to those who slept without the hypnotic suggestion.” Symptoms of insomnia may include difficulty falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the … Read more

How Your Mind Works

Hypnosis is super concentration of the mind. You are not distracted by everyday thoughts. The greater the focus of the mind, the “deeper” the hypnosis. However, even a “light” or “medium’ trance with positive instructions from the hypnotist can produce enormous changes in your life. If the hypnotic directions or commands are not agreeable to the client, they can be rejected by what I call the subconscious censor. The mind and body constantly influence each … Read more

How to Maximize Your Mind Power (Part 2 of 3)

How to Maximize Your Mind Power (Part 2 of 3) Selective perception: Stare at a candle or any spot that you can intently focus your attention. Notice how you can block out everything else around you. While daydreaming, it is possible to not notice people coming in and out of a room. Your vision can become tunnel-like and you can see only the candle. This is similar to crystal gazing. If I wave a match … Read more

Tips on How to Control Your Weight

Tips on How to Control Your Weight There are only two ways to lose weight: fewer calories / more exercise. Begin your day with exercise before breakfast and burn up the most calories with the least effort. Eat a hearty breakfast of varied foods.  It will give you energy for the day and you can burn it off throughout the day. Eat from a varied selection of food at lunch and dinner and feel full … Read more

Stress: The #1 Reason Why People Go Back to Smoking

Stress, tension, fear, worry, and anxiety increase your chances of illness. 70% to 90% of all illnesses seen by physicians are either caused by stress, or made worse by stress. Which of these stressful events have you experienced in the past year? (Check the ones that apply) _____ Death of spouse, close friend or relative _____ Divorce, separation, reconciliation _____ Minor law violation, arrest, or jail _____ Loss of job, new job, business change _____ … Read more

Self-Hypnosis Instruction

Imagine the fading of reality around you and your absorption in the voice of the hypnotist. That is called hetero-hypnosis. Take away the hypnotist; fade away the reality again while you are absorbed in your own pre-planned positive thoughts. That is self-hypnosis. Beginners experiencing hetero-hypnosis or self-hypnosis often worry that they are not hypnotized, or that the suggestions (instructions) for health, happiness, success, or self-control will not work. This self-doubt eats up mind power energy, … Read more

Does Hypnosis Really Work?

A German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer once said: “All truth passes through three stages: first it is ridiculed; next it is violently opposed; third it is accepted as being self-evident.” When people do not understand something, they often fail to investigate further. In fact, often they fear the unknown so much that they would never dare to investigate further.  Hypnosis is used globally as a tool by thousands of physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, dentists, ministers, counsellors, social … Read more