Romane Hypnosis Session – A gift for you!

Romane Hypnosis Session – A gift for you … The link below is a hypnosis session I recorded about 25 years ago to help people to have more energy, to increase positivity thinking, to increase self-discipline and to make it easier to achieve success, health, and happiness. Three Tips: You will always hear me and be aware that you are listening to me. Secondly, stop wondering if you are hypnotized. Listen to this recording just for … Read more

Hypnosis for People with Ordinary Everyday Problems

Hypnosis for Ordinary Everyday People with Ordinary Everyday Problems … Vance Romane Weight Control: In a research study, sixty women received weight loss help and were separated into hypnosis versus non-hypnosis groups. The women in the hypnosis group lost an average of seventeen pounds, while the non-hypnosis women only lost an average of one half a pound. (From Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986). In another study, average weight loss with hypnosis was 11.8 pounds and six pounds … Read more

Should You Wait For A Live Seminar Or Use Recordings?

Are you smoking, overweight, or have a life challenge, but saying to yourself, “I will wait for a live seminar, rather than listen to downloads or recordings”? Many people falsely believe that a live seminar is more effective than recordings. In fact, hypnosis recordings are highly effective to permanently overcome most challenges that you may have. You will find dozens of different hypnosis sessions for ordinary everyday problems/challenges on my website at When you … Read more

Compassion for Smokers

Here is an article I wrote based on government and psychological research about Smoker’s Mindset. Smokers identify themselves as smokers. The mental picture they hold in their head is being a smoker. They say, “I am a smoker,” Cigarettes are a “friend” in times of boredom, loneliness, a bond with others who smoke and something to do with the hands. Cigarettes are always there in times of stress or rough times for calming relaxation. Unfortunately, … Read more

Understanding Your Unique Hypnosis Experience

While hypnotized, you may still be aware of other sounds outside of yourself. You can suggest to yourself that outside sounds take you into a deeper level of hypnosis and melt all your tensions away. Beginners are usually unaware they are in hypnotized, but they do become aware of hypnosis after experiencing more sessions. You will sense yourself having a split consciousness, being intensely aware of your thoughts and body relaxing, yet partly aware of … Read more

Romane’s Hypnosis News and More

I hope you are having a fantastic summer where you live. In Vancouver, BC we have had beautiful weather for quite a while. Here are the most recent hypnosis news articles for you to enjoy (and more): Anxiety: The United States Center for Disease Control has released research about the huge increase of anxiety and stress during these Covid times. For people between 18 to 59 years of age, 24% to 38% report suffering from anxiety. Before Covid, … Read more

Reese Witherspoon hypnotized and more!

Hello Friends, Here are some current hypnosis articles appearing in the news, enjoy! Hypnosis in the News: Reese Witherspoon: Before filming the movie WILD in 2014, Reese was hypnotized to battle her nervousness, anxiety, and panic attacks about the filming. The film involved nudity, sexuality, drug use, and being alone on camera with no other actors for many days of filming. “I hadn’t ever been alone in scenes for days and days. There were probably … Read more

The Romane Hypnosis Experience, Stop Smoking

Hello Friends, I am feeling more optimistic every day about everyone having better days ahead, thanks to the increasing vaccination rates! This newsletter is about stopping smoking … If you are still smoking or if you know anyone struggling with quitting smoking, I can solve that problem with my Multiple Method System, the method most recommended by the U.S. Surgeon General. To give you confidence in my stop smoking system, I am sharing the following: … Read more

Romane, 50,000 attend Concert; Regain Youthful Vitality

Good News Subscribers! Getting Back to Normal: This past weekend, New Zealand rock band Six60, played what may be the largest live concert in a year when they performed in front of 50,000 fans at Eden Park Stadium in Auckland, New Zealand with no masks and no social distancing. Their Tour continues in November to locations in France, Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, and Ireland. New Zealand had a low Covid rate because they responded rapidly … Read more

Romane Shares Advice from 100 Year Seniors; Stress Control

Anxiety, Fear, Poor Sleep Therapists, counsellors, and coaches are currently overwhelmed with clients seeking help for fear and anxiety from lockdowns, social and economic restrictions, social distancing, lack of hugging and intimacy, lifestyle changes, health and job fears, concerns about children’s education and the economy, disturbed sleep and bizarre dreams, negative thinking, needle phobia and increased relationship breakdown caused by Covid-19. Isolation and loneliness are negatively impacting physical and mental well-being. There has been an increase in … Read more