Wishing you a Happy, Healthy, Holiday Season and More

In my 70 years, I have helped hundreds of thousands of people to reach a better life of health, happiness and success. I’ve seen many sad or depressed people rejuvenate to become joyful with peace of mind and a positive outlook towards the future. They did this by less internal work, less thinking over and over about their past. They started more external thinking about others, helping them with time and attention, caring and love, … Read more

Nothing Like the Power of Programming Positive Thoughts While You Are Hypnotized

We attract what we focus our mental energy upon. The subconscious cannot tell the difference between reality and imagination. That’s why dreams seem so real, yet real life can seem like a dream. With the powerful concentration of hypnosis, you can imagine yourself already successful. A can of pop has about 10 teaspoons of sugar. One a day can give you about 15 pounds of fat by the end of the year, and one pop … Read more

How to Use the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

How To Use The Most Sophisticated Computer In The World – Your Mind Please share this article with people who you feel can benefit from this information. Helping others too is real personal power. Two Minds: We have a conscious mind to learn to drive, to type, to ride a bicycle and everything else. After a while, we can drive while talking, listening to a radio and while thinking of something else; we can type … Read more

Hypnosis Tidbits

Tobacco Sales End in Beverly Hills, California…first city to end most tobacco sales. The City Council recently voted unanimously to end sales of cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes and other tobacco products by 2021. The ban includes no sales at gas stations, pharmacies, convenience and grocery stores. Only hotels and 3 plush local cigar lounges are exempted. Will this come to other cities? My smoking friends: On many occasions I asked friends like Romeo and Bud to … Read more

How To Use The Power Of Your Mind (Part 11)

“SEVEN SECRETS FOR A HAPPIER LIFE” Many times I have been asked to reveal secrets for a happier life. I would like to share some with you in the hope of making your life more satisfying. There are many causes of pain. Check with your physician before using this technique. Sit or lie down comfortably. With your index finger of one hand, actually draw a picture in mid-air of the pain. Make the “drawing” as … Read more

How To Use The Power Of Your Mind To Lose Weight (Part 7)

POWERFUL HELP FROM Romane’s PERSONAL NOTEBOOK To control weight, use my hypnotic weight loss recordings, and read my book “Fit And Firm Forever”. There are ONLY TWO WAYS TO LOSE WEIGHT: fewer calories / more exercise. Begin your day with exercise before breakfast and burn up the most calories with the least effort. Eat a hearty breakfast of varied foods. It will give you energy for the day and you can burn it off throughout … Read more

How To Use The Power Of Your Mind To Lose Weight (Part 6)

If you have particular food problems such as potato chips, soft drinks, donuts, butter, chocolate bars, pies, etc., specific imagery using association to disgusting thoughts may be helpful. For example, imagine worms, a mouse, a rat, maggots, lice, human and animal hairs, etc., in a coke bottle as you open it. Imagine drinking it and vomiting all over the house or in a restaurant where everyone is staring at you. Now imagine yourself refusing and … Read more

How To Use The Power Of Your Mind To Lose Weight (Part 5)

IMAGINE YOURSELF AS SLIM. Think back to how you once looked or think ahead to how you will look. Imagine that the future is now. Imagine yourself cycling on a bicycle, walking on a beach with heads turning in admiration of you, finding clothing on a store display rack that more easily fits to the body. Imagine the exact size, shape and contours you wish to have. Thin, trim, slim, and slender. Pause and think … Read more

How To Use The Power of Your Mind to Lose Weight (Part 4)

CHANGE BEGINS IN THE MIND Your will power comes and goes. Before my clients see me, they say will power mostly goes. Psychological experiments tell us that when the imagination and the will are in conflict, the imagination always wins. So you can use your imagination to change your feelings, attitudes and behaviour. Several examples will be given. Choose the ones which seem the most powerful to you. You have had dreams at night which … Read more

How To Use The Power Of Your Mind to Lose Weight (Part 3)

HOW TO USE THE POWER OF YOUR MIND TO LOSE WEIGHT (Part 3) Another good tactic is to use small spoons and forks. This will make it easier for you to eat more slowly and to chew your food more thoroughly. It seems like you have eaten more food if you use small utensils and thus have to make more trips between the plate and your mouth. You will eat more slowly and feel full … Read more