Loving yourself and your body, Success

How to love yourself and your body by Vance Romane Slow down your life. Take time out to eat slowly, chew well and really taste your food to enjoy it more. This will aid digestion and help to lose weight. When you chew your food thoroughly, your hunger is more easily satisfied with less food. Take a time out for yourself every day to meditate quietly in a comfortable place. Close your eyes, relax your … Read more

What is really happening when you are hypnotized?

Every hypnotist session you have from different hypnotists or different recordings will vary greatly, depending upon their choice of methods, their voice and their personality. Hypnotic directions affect the emotional, feeling part of your mind, connecting with your subconscious or inner mind. Hypnosis is a learning process and you get better using it through practice. Hypnotic focus upon the hypnotist’s voice changes mindset, thoughts, feelings and behaviour. One may logically decide with their conscious mind … Read more

Romane’s Mind Power Help for Stress, Anxiety and More

Thought for the Day:  Which is worse worldwide? Current number of people who have died from COVID-19: 320,000 Number of people dying of Smoking: Over 8 million every year (Source: World Health Organization). Public Health of Canada has reported that in 2017, 64% of Canadians over the age of 18 were overweight or obese, and about 30% of children aged 5-17 were overweight or obese. Gratitude Thoughts: Did you know that about 23,000 of our fellow human beings die every day from hunger? This statistic is higher … Read more

How to Maximize Success With Hypnosis Recordings

HOW TO MAXIMIZE SUCCESS WITH ROMANE HYPNOSIS RECORDINGS If you have more than one recording, begin with the one dealing with the simpler problem.  In this manner you will build-up your confidence to overcome a more complex problem. Play the recordings all through once, so you know what is on the recordings. If your program is a set of 2 or more recordings, pick out one hypnosis session that you like best and play that … Read more

Good News for a Change

Good Things Are Happening, Better Days Are Coming In spite of the fears and confusion around us, good things are happening. There is less air and noise pollution and a creative, innovative, generous entrepreneurial spirit. There is a slower paced life for the things you never had time for in the past. There is gratitude for what we took for granted, especially our health and essential service workers. Isolation and introversion are cool; kindness is … Read more

Maintaining Mental and Physical Health during COVID-19 Isolation: Anxiety and Boredom Solved

Many people have e-mailed me that they have “island fever”, “lockdown cabin fever” or are going “stir crazy” being cooped up inside their home due to coronavirus. Introversion is now cool. Personally, I am never bored because there are so many things to do. To eliminate boredom as well as anxiety and worry, here are many steps I take and many more you may want to do: • Have an Italian night with Italian music. … Read more

Mike Tyson Hypnotized, Anxiety, Exercise Motivation, More…

Anxiety, do you have it? Are you frequently: fearful, nervous, a worrier, overwhelmed, stressed, irritable, argumentative? Do you often experience: a restless mind, trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, a constant fear of things going wrong, social withdrawal from people and events, physical symptoms such as a pounding chest and shortness of breath, procrastination, difficulty starting and finishing tasks, or a need to control all situations, to be perfectionistic? My recordings that help you to … Read more

Protection from mind manipulation

Many things in life can be used for good or bad. Food is good, however used to excess, it is bad. Money is good for hospitals, schools, roads and libraries, but can also be used to buy bombs that murder innocent people. Love is wonderful, but if a lonely person is lured on the internet with adoring poems to send all their lifetime savings, that can end with poverty and a vanishing admirer.  Mind programming … Read more

Romane answers to your hypnosis questions and much more

Questions Asked by Newsletter Members … (I welcome all hypnosis related questions ) Are you coming to Abbotsford? We have no plans this year. It is worth the drive to go to Langley Jan. 26th to save your life. The sooner you come, the better for your health and the less hard-earned money you burn up with slow motion suicide on the installment plan … Or, order the seminar recordings. Go to www.vanceromane.com for an update on my … Read more

World Hypnotism Day

This is the 16th World Hypnotism Day which is celebrated every year on January 4th. This day is intended to remove misconceptions and needless fears about hypnotism and to educate the public as to the practical power of hypnosis to help people to overcome challenges, to achieve health, happiness and success. The hypnotist functions as a guide to help his client to achieve a highly focused laser like concentration to adjust their mindset or ways … Read more