Famous People Who Have Used Hypnosis

Hypnosis is an excellent way to take control over unwanted habits such as: smoking, nail biting, weight loss, stress control and on and on.  Famous people have problems and bad habits just like everyone else and many of them have used hypnosis to control their unhealthy habits. For example, all of these people have used hypnosis to stop smoking:  Prince Harry, Samuel L Jackson, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Ellen De Generes, Drew Barrymore, Charlize Theron … Read more

Secrets of a Long Life on the Greek Island of Ikaria:

Around one in three Ikarians live into their 90s, have much lower rates of cancer and heart disease, less depression and dementia, maintain a sex life into old age and remain physically active deep into their 90s. Dr Christina Chrysohoou, a university medical school cardiologist discovered that the Ikarian diet featured a lot of beans, not much meat nor refined sugar, and that Ikarians eat locally garden grown vegetables with high antioxidants. Their exercise is … Read more

The Power of Words

Aldous Huxley said, “Words have a magical effect in the way they are affect the minds of men.”  Rudyard Kipling said, “Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind.”  Mark Twain stated, “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is like the difference between lightning and a lightning bug!” My choice of words when I hypnotize or give positive instructions for a life change, are all positive and planned to … Read more