Hypnotist Romane Fixes Broken Resolutions

Why Will Power Often Fails with Smoking and Weight Loss At the beginning of each New Year, millions of people around the world try to stop smoking, lose weight, or attain success in hundreds of other areas using willpower. Romane says, “If willpower worked, we would not need anything else. Willpower uses the conscious mind, but the root of a habit, negative thinking, unhealthy behavior, and failure is often in the subconscious mind.” A professional … Read more

10 Tips to Keep Your Resolution and New Live Seminars

Two Great Live Romane Hypnosis Seminars Coming Soon to EDMONTON, AB at the Fantasyland Hotel, Sunday January 22nd: Lose Weight Hypnosis Seminar: 2 PM – https://vanceromane.com/product/lose-weight-seminar-in-edmonton/ Stop Smoking Hypnosis Seminar: 7 PM – https://vanceromane.com/product/stop-smoking-seminar-in-edmonton/ Depending upon how much someone spends annually on tobacco, the stop smoking seminar may put another $5,000 to $10,000 of after-tax income in their pocket every year for healthier financial wellness in 2023 and beyond. Both seminars can add years to your life and life to … Read more

Romane Hypnosis for Surgery

Hypnosis for Joint Replacement: I have recently been away in New York for a right knee replacement. I had a very rapid recovery and little discomfort thanks to a skilled surgeon and self-hypnosis. Some key self suggestions include: “You have confidence in the expertise and skill of your surgeon and support staff. You look forward to all the benefits of your new knee and greater freedom of movement. Your new knee feels a part of you, … Read more

What Romane Hypnosis Can Do for You

Hypnosis for Live Online Appointments, In Person Seminars, Downloads and Recordings In response to many emails and phone calls, I wish to share the following information with you: “The change with hypnosis to stop smoking, lose weight, relieve stress, relieve pain and other areas happens in your head. When you see a hypnotist to be hypnotized, your eyes are closed most of the time. This change happens with a hypnotist located in front of you; … Read more

Romane Hypnosis Session – A gift for you!

Romane Hypnosis Session – A gift for you … The link below is a hypnosis session I recorded about 25 years ago to help people to have more energy, to increase positivity thinking, to increase self-discipline and to make it easier to achieve success, health, and happiness. Three Tips: You will always hear me and be aware that you are listening to me. Secondly, stop wondering if you are hypnotized. Listen to this recording just for … Read more

Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis, Pain Control

Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis, Pain Control Everyone can use this one! Most people have several events of pain and surgeries in a lifetime and need to create a healthy, healing mindset. As you read below, imagine experiencing some of these ideas right now and feel the power of your own mind … as a beginner, or as advanced student of mind power and hypnosis. Of course, doing this is far more effective when using your mind powers … Read more

Hypnosis for People with Ordinary Everyday Problems

Hypnosis for Ordinary Everyday People with Ordinary Everyday Problems … Vance Romane Weight Control: In a research study, sixty women received weight loss help and were separated into hypnosis versus non-hypnosis groups. The women in the hypnosis group lost an average of seventeen pounds, while the non-hypnosis women only lost an average of one half a pound. (From Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986). In another study, average weight loss with hypnosis was 11.8 pounds and six pounds … Read more

Hypnosis for Pain Control, Gastric Reflux, Thought Control

Here are two short hypnosis video experiences I presented at a Hypnosis Practice Session. Enjoy Magnetic Fingers and Hand Locking Hypnosis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mybhvZjhsc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74uWHyVYolo If you enjoy these videos, please subscribe to my You Tube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4vaahtJ7pvkaif0E8YzLhQ Fast, Practical, Natural Pain Relief: There are many causes of pain. Check with your physician before using this technique. Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes, relax, and take in three long, slow, deep breaths, breathing out … Read more

Better Sleep, Pain Control, Happiness by Romane

Holiday Greetings! I wish you and yours a Happy, Healthy and Joyful Holiday Season! Here are some ideas for better sleep, pain control and happiness: Better Sleep: I am hearing many people need help with sleep. Managing stress, paying attention to healthy eating, exercise, some sunshine, drinking adequate water, laughter and making time for adequate sleep are some important areas for our attention. Others tell me that their sleep is improved if they have a long … Read more

Eating like a bird, but no weight loss?

Are you eating like a bird, but no weight loss? Certain causes and negative beliefs/mind-sets locked in the subconscious mind can cause people to be overweight: Repeated parental commands in childhood to stop wasting food, to think of the starving children in China. Food is expensive, do not waste it (put it on your waist). Clean up your plate. Established childhood habit repeated: “Time for a bedtime snack.” When I had pain, fell, failed, or … Read more