What Happens at Romane Hypnosis Seminars and Answers to Frequent Questions

Last weekend was a fantastic visit to Calgary and Edmonton with my stop smoking and weight loss hypnosis seminars. It was a lot of fun for both the audiences and me.  It really is possible to lose weight and stop smoking while having fun! At the seminar intermissions and at the end of the seminars, many people came forward to tell me of their amazing successes, thanking me, shaking my hand and asking me to … Read more

This free information from Hypnotist Romane can save your life.

Understand and Control How Your Thoughts and Emotions Affect Your Mind and Body Health Extreme emotional stress or “a broken heart” can cause death. When Debbie Reynolds passed away, her son said that the stress of his sister Carrie Fisher’s death the day before was too much for his mother to take as she planned the funeral for her daughter. Known medically as stress-induced cardiomyopathy, it can strike anyone, even those in good health with … Read more

Better Sleep with Hypnosis

According to WebMD.com, Swiss researchers did a study on using hypnosis to help women who suffer from insomnia.  The report concluded, “After listening to a sleep-promoting audio tape containing hypnotic suggestion, women who are suggestible to hypnosis spent two-thirds less time awake, and about 80 percent more time in deep sleep compared to those who slept without the hypnotic suggestion.” Symptoms of insomnia may include difficulty falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the … Read more

How Your Mind Works

Hypnosis is super concentration of the mind. You are not distracted by everyday thoughts. The greater the focus of the mind, the “deeper” the hypnosis. However, even a “light” or “medium’ trance with positive instructions from the hypnotist can produce enormous changes in your life. If the hypnotic directions or commands are not agreeable to the client, they can be rejected by what I call the subconscious censor. The mind and body constantly influence each … Read more

Secrets of a Long Life on the Greek Island of Ikaria:

Around one in three Ikarians live into their 90s, have much lower rates of cancer and heart disease, less depression and dementia, maintain a sex life into old age and remain physically active deep into their 90s. Dr Christina Chrysohoou, a university medical school cardiologist discovered that the Ikarian diet featured a lot of beans, not much meat nor refined sugar, and that Ikarians eat locally garden grown vegetables with high antioxidants. Their exercise is … Read more

Stress & Tension

The Circle of Stress & Tension  Common Tension Symptoms and Reactions Headaches Tight Feelings Tics Shaking, Trembling Sweating Flushes Palpitation Breathlessness Insomnia High Blood Pressure Overeating Excessive Smoking Blushing Menstrual, Bladder, Bowel, & Sexual Disorders. Etc. Hypnosis is a tremendous tool to break the circle of stress and tension.  70% to 90%  of problems appearing in a doctor’s office are either caused by stress or made worse by stress.  Stress activates toxic chemicals in the … Read more