Stress: The #1 Reason Why People Go Back to Smoking

Stress, tension, fear, worry, and anxiety increase your chances of illness. 70% to 90% of all illnesses seen by physicians are either caused by stress, or made worse by stress. Which of these stressful events have you experienced in the past year? (Check the ones that apply)

_____ Death of spouse, close friend or relative
_____ Divorce, separation, reconciliation
_____ Minor law violation, arrest, or jail
_____ Loss of job, new job, business change
_____ Change in work hours, conditions
_____ Financial setback, foreclosure, loans
_____ Move, change in residence, living conditions
_____ Retirement of self or spouse
_____ Medical problems: self or family member
_____ Traffic jams, accidents, near accidents
_____ Pregnancy, birth, sexual problems
_____ Children leaving home
_____ Spousal, in-law, or boss troubles
_____ Starting, ending, changing school
_____ Changes in dress, manners, associations
_____ Changes in social, recreation, church activities
_____ Changes in eating habits, sleep, number of family gatherings
_____ Vacation, no vacation, Christmas

Millions of people become seriously ill, need medications, or even surgery because of illnesses which could have been healed years earlier, if they had used stress management techniques.


_____ Frustration, anxiety, guilt, anger, emotional outbursts, tantrums, violent behaviour
_____ Nervous habits like nail biting, teeth grinding, rapid/shallow breathing, trembling, blushing
_____ Insomnia, high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, heart disease, ulcers
_____ Stomach, neck, shoulder, back and muscle aches, headaches
_____ Weakened immune system, allergies, asthma, other respiratory diseases, arthritis, lupus, cancer, infertility, miscarriages, frequent colds, flu
_____ Loss of appetite, excessive eating, bulimia, weight problems
_____ Alcohol, drug abuse, excessive gambling
_____ “He gets under my skin” – Eczema, skin rashes, itching, hives, sweating, whitening skin, temperature changes, etc.
_____ Colitis, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome
_____ Poor concentration/memory, stammering, stuttering
_____ Low motivation, low performance, accidents
_____ Errors, missed deadlines
_____ Forgetting good health habits like exercise
_____ Chronic fatigue, chronic pain, poor posture, decreased sex drive
_____ Obsessions, compulsions, indecisiveness, apathy, hopelessness, social withdrawal, mood swings, depression, etc.


It is a lot easier to say “no” when you are relaxed. To become more conscious and aware of the powerful effects of your self-relaxation sessions, just do a before and after relaxation rating test. Zero can be total relaxation and ten can be extreme tension. Rate yourself before and after your hypnosis session, and notice the benefits. Learn to be relaxed alone, or with others.

I can help you to control your own stress with my Stress Control four CD set.  A related stress management CD is the Overcome Panic and Anxiety CD.  You can order any of my recordings, books and health items by calling 1-800-665-4656, or you can save the shipping charges by ordering on this website.