Stop Smoking and Lose Weight with Hypnosis in Victoria BC

Reminder for those living in VICTORIA, BC

One Day Only! SAT., MAR. 4th 

ROMANE WEIGHT LOSS HYPNOSIS SEMINAR, 2 PM. After attending, many have dropped up to 125 pounds and more, even if they love to eat!

ROMANE STOP SMOKING HYPNOSIS SEMINAR, 7 PM. Thousands have stopped smoking permanently after just 2 hours.

Discount Advance Tickets at (Register early and receive my hypnosis preparation tips for maximum success). Advance Sales Close at 5 PM, Friday, March 3. After that time, tickets will be available at the Door at the regular price. Yes, it is possible to enjoy both seminars in one day. Both events are at the Four Points by Sheraton Victoria Gateway Hotel (beside Costco)

Short Good Reads Below

  • Connie Davis from Sarnia wrote useful advice on Facebook: “Hypnosis works very well if you let it happen…You are fully aware, yet fully susceptible to what you are being told, if you want to accept it. Nothing can be done to you that you don’t want (for anyone fearful). You will be aware the entire time. Just allow the experience to happen and the results can be incredible…I have had literally the past 25 years of every single night, as soon as my head hits the pillow, I fall asleep…Romane…thank you so much…I used to drive myself crazy trying to get to sleep.” A restful sleep is very important for the control of stress and anxiety and makes it easier to control weight and smoking.
  •  Hypnosis is a natural waking state of mind like daydreaming, being lost in a movie, or absorbed by a book. A 1992 research paper based on a study of 72,000 participants concluded hypnosis was the most successful method to stop smoking. To lose weight, the use of hypnosis alone, or in combination with any weight loss program will enhance the success.
  • Water: We are about 60% to 70% water. Overnight, even just breathing, we lose water. A lack of water can trick us to think we are hungry when we are just thirsty; cause fatigue; slow metabolism; reduce concentration; cause a weak memory, dizziness, headaches; can reduce transportation of nutrition in our body and elimination of waste products. Instead of reaching for a cigarette, reach for water, and reduce cravings by cleansing toxic nicotine out of your body. To reduce your appetite, drink one or two glasses of water ten minutes before your meal.
  • Believe in yourself: What you believe guides your life. Your attitude will determine your life. Unpredictable events are an opportunity for massive and marvelous life changes. With the help of hypnosis and self-hypnosis you can radiate genuine confidence to easily attract a successful life. Program your subconscious that you are already successful and that you have already reached your goal. A positive mindset will propel you to action to draw thoughts and actions towards success. A positive mindset will overpower negative self-suggestion (negative self-hypnosis) and excuses such as “nothing ever works;” “I have no time;” “it’s too hard”.
  • Our future becomes what we choose and decide to focus upon: Guard what goes in front of your eyes, into your ears, and your mind. Be careful what comes out of your mind and your mouth. We become what we watch, read, what we listen to and where we spend most of our time and energy. Spend your time with positive people and positive energy, with people you can learn from, with people you admire and wish to emulate. Choose to be healthy, joyful, grateful, successful. Be proud of small accomplishments as they are the building blocks to great success!

Love yourself, be good to yourself,

Vance Romane