Should You Wait For A Live Seminar Or Use Recordings?

Are you smoking, overweight, or have a life challenge, but saying to yourself, “I will wait for a live seminar, rather than listen to downloads or recordings”? Many people falsely believe that a live seminar is more effective than recordings. In fact, hypnosis recordings are highly effective to permanently overcome most challenges that you may have. You will find dozens of different hypnosis sessions for ordinary everyday problems/challenges on my website at

When you use hypnosis recordings, you have many advantages over a live seminar. Some of these include a quieter room with less distractions, no travel stress, a perfect temperature, and control over when you want to be hypnotized. Even more important, the ability to repeat the hypnosis as often as you wish, for reinforcement. Hypnosis works instantly for many people. However, for permanent changes, some people need to reinforce the hypnosis by playing a hypnosis session several times.

In the past many decades, we presented live seminar tours in cities several times a year, and others only once every several years. With Covid and semi-retirement, I am only presenting an occasional online seminar. My advice is to order hypnosis recordings right now, get rid of your problem as soon as possible and enjoy an exciting, better lifestyle.

If someone has excessive stress in their life, even more playing of the recordings may be required. In short, stop procrastinating and do something now. Turn your wishbone into backbone. Someone once said, “If you wait until all the lights are green, you will never go anywhere.”  A man in Cold Lake, Alberta told me: “I quit drinking 15 years ago, but my two drinking friends never joined me. They kept drinking, and now they are both dead.”

I have had many friends I invited over the years to come to my stop smoking seminar as a guest, but they kept procrastinating and are now deceased due to smoking. Many people telephone for help, but do not take action to do something now. In the years ahead, it is better to say to yourself, “I am glad I did,” instead of “I wish I had.”

As an example, here is how hypnosis works for weight loss: After I guide you to mindfully pay attention to my words while you are meditating in hypnosis, changes take place, usually immediately. People say: “I am leaving food on the plate. I have never done that before.” “I used to drink several Cokes a day, now I have none.” “I am doing exercise and I used to hate exercise.” “I feel full with smaller portions.”

After the hypnosis, it is usual to feel like you have a caring friend beside you, just there to remind you to do what you should do. My encouraging voice will go with you in a way that you like. You feel a desire to follow the instructions. I give many instructions to you while you are hypnotized, enough to cover most anyone for the requested area of help. That is why the recordings work for most anyone.

If you have an unhealthy habit, a problem, or if you are not performing at your maximum level, hypnosis can be a huge help to be your personal best. If you do not act to change your life, what does it cost you in terms of health, money, peace of mind, happiness, and success? Think about enjoying the advantages and benefits of succeeding at what you want. Hypnosis helps you to maximize your performance by tapping into the power of your subconscious mind. You can easily learn the skill of having your subconscious work with and for you, instead of against you. We all have that talent, but few use it. Hypnosis recordings make it far easier to succeed and to be your best in most any area.

Enjoy every moment,

Vance Romane