Shawna Peterson reports her results after using Romane Weight Hypnosis CD’s

I attended a Romane lose weight seminar with a girlfriend on Saturday, April 8, 2017. After listening to the Stop Sugar Addiction and the Lose Weight collection of CD’s, I am proud to say that I’ve lost 20lbs already!

Yes, I am drinking my 8 – 10 glasses of water a day.  Yes, I’m getting more active and got a Fitbit to track my 10,000 steps per day, BUT what has kept me motivated has been the hypnosis CD’s.

No question, that has been the difference between previous weight loss attempts and this one.  I KNOW I will be successful if I continue to listen to these CD’s every day.  I have only missed one day because my husband was rushed into surgery, but other than that, I look forward to listening to them each evening.

Romane will recommend that you do not listen to them before bed, but that is exactly when I listen.  I go to bed earlier than usual (mostly because I like to snack in the evening right before bed) and I put my headphones on.  I sometimes wake up to “And 5….YOU’RE WIDE AWAKE….WIDE AWAKE”.  It’s pretty funny because when I do manage to stay awake through the whole thing, I learn new things all the time, BUT the message does get through to the subconscious when you’re sleeping too.

This has by far, been the EASIEST weight loss I’ve ever experienced and the MOST weight I’ve lost, in the SHORTEST amount of time.  Add in the fact that I’m over 50 which is excruciatingly hard to lose weight as our metabolism is all wacky.

Romane tells you to eat slow….it helps!  He tells you to eat when you’re hungry and put the fork down when you’re full…..that’s HUGE. It’s amazing how much we eat AFTER our tummies are satisfied. I put a 1/3 of protein (meat) on my plate for dinner, generous amount of veggies and a smaller portion of carbs (which we’ve now been substituting with various vegetables…ex instead of mashed potatoes, we’ll make mashed cauliflower or instead of spaghetti, we’ll make spaghetti squash).  I almost always leave something on my plate because guess what???? My tummy is satisfied before I finish the “already reduced” portions on my plate.  I do snack more but I will have a sliced apple with yogurt and cinnamon instead of a bag of chips or a cinnamon bun.

I tell you…this hypnosis works!  Never in my wildest dreams would I think that I would be happy and satisfied to eat less, never feeling starved or deprived.  I choose better and get creative so that my taste buds are satisfied. 

The scale doesn’t lie folks!  Down 20 lbs. in 6 weeks.  What???  My goal is to be down 40 by the end of August and I’ll do it.  The good news is that SO CAN YOU!

Get the CD’s of whatever you are struggling with (weight loss, smoking, etc.) and just try it.  I don’t know Romane or his family, so this is not plug for him personally.  I cannot express enough how these CD’s help.  You have to do the work, but the work is so much easier when your subconscious is on board.

Oh and by the way, my girlfriend is also doing GREAT!!  She’s melting away too.  Coincidence???  I think not.

If you have a chance to attend a seminar, sign up!  If you’re going to lose weight, bring a pillow and eye mask with you.  It’s easier to do laying down than sitting in a seminar chair.

Good luck!  I know this will change your world!!

Shawna Peterson

Comments from Romane:

Thank you Shawna for your email and CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SUCCESS! Listening to hypnosis recordings before sleep is actually the best time as the hypnotic instructions fall into the subconscious mind as you fall asleep. You may even dream about them. However, if you are too tired at bedtime to hear most of the recording before you fall asleep, another time to listen is recommended. It is true that we hear what is around us when we are sleeping. Even under anesthetic in surgery, we hear what is going on around us, but we forget consciously when we come out of the surgery. One client told me that after he was anesthetized for surgery, his surgeon told him that he would no longer want cigarettes. Following the surgery, he quit smoking but could not understand why, until his doctor told him what had happened.

We have two minds, something like an iceberg, a small part is above the water (conscious mind), but a larger part is below the water (subconscious mind). As we transition from ordinary sleep to wakefulness, from the subconscious state of mind, we often forget our many dreams that we had throughout the sleep. This is more evidence of the existence of two minds.

Some people will definitely benefit from the recordings being played while they are actually asleep, but the majority are best off to play them when they feel totally relaxed in body and focused with their mind upon the hypnotic instructions. Hypnosis is very unique for every person. Your sensations or experience will also be a little different each time that you enjoy your hypnosis. Hypnosis is not an ordinary sleep. For hypnosis, there needs to be a hypnotist, and for most people, hypnotic recordings are as effective as attending my live seminars.

When you use hypnosis recordings, there is no need to wonder about the experience, if you are doing it right or wrong. Simply disregard everything else and focus upon the voice of the hypnotic instructions. No need to do anything or to “try hard”. Just simply follow the hypnotic instructions and enjoy this daydream experience for a more peaceful mind and total self-control and personal power in all areas of your life.

Remember hypnosis is not an ordinary sleep. You are super alert and aware of sounds around you, but your attention is highly focused upon the voice of the hypnotist. You will find many more client testimonials, free tips, blogs, and more at and