Romane Weight Loss Hypnosis Seminar, Benefits

Upcoming Online Romane Seminar:

Weight Loss with Hypnosis, Feb. 26th

Natural, Effortless

During my weight management hypnosis seminar, instructions are given to change the body, the mindset, lifestyle habits, how you feel about yourself, how you feel about life, stress management and more. People participating in the seminar often say: “Cutting down on portion sizes and avoiding unhealthy foods became easy, effortless” and “After the seminar, I felt an urge to move my body more, to exercise, I do not know why, but I felt like it”.

If you need this seminar, it’s better to participate now than in the future, when more weight may be gained. If what you are doing is not working, it’s time to do something different. The target aimed for is first your Health, your most priceless possession, then any other reason you may have. Using hypnosis for your best life and self-discipline is a simple skill, and you get better at it with practice. There is no surgery, no pills, no excessive exercise, and no counting of calories. The program is based upon reports by the U.S. Surgeon General, scientific hypnosis, and medical research.

Here is a short sample of some of the weight control instructions placed into the subconscious mind when hypnotized:

“At the end of this seminar, you are now going to enjoy better health, a longer life, to enjoy the people you like and love, more physical energy, more mental energy and you will now be more productive.

  • You begin to love body movement, now, more than ever. You love to move your body, it is fun and exercise for you is fun, you love to move your body in a way that is safe for your physical condition. It improves your endurance, fitness, and stamina; it reduces your blood cholesterol; lowers your blood pressure; brings more blood and oxygen to your brain; it gives you clearer thinking; relaxes and calms you and gives you a stronger heart. You feel happier, and your attitude is more positive, the fat drops off and you have more muscle and lean tissue, it improves your digestion and clears toxins from your body, so that your body can more efficiently absorb nutrients from the food you eat.
  • So, you feel full with less food. With exercise you are satisfied with less food, but you always eat enough for a healthy mind and a healthy body. Exercise makes you look and feel healthier, increases your energy, and a feeling of wellbeing; you sleep sounder and awaken more refreshed. Exercise makes your bones stronger, and gives you great strength, flexibility, agility and strengthens your immune system. It adds years to your life and life to your years. It makes your whole body healthier, from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. It gives you a feeling of control over yourself and your life, higher self-esteem, and confidence. It allows you to meet new friends. It makes your back feel better and stronger. It improves your posture. This new improved healthy body and mind brings great happiness in all areas of your life, including your relationships.”
  • “Every day you feel better and better about yourself, about life. Every day, from now on, you feel deep within your body a powerful sense of confidence, will power, self-control, over your emotions, over your life.”
  • “In the movies of your mind, see yourself enjoying all the wonderful benefits that I say to you now. For this all begins to happen today. You will now be more attractive. Feeling in control of your life. Enjoying that feeling of accomplishment, of pride, so proud of yourself for being here today, enjoying high self-esteem. You have a more positive outlook; you are a positive thinker. You expect the best, and now you make your own good luck!”

“From this moment on, your body is healthier and stronger, stronger, and healthier every day. Remember, you can practice anything new, and master it forever. Now, see it in your mind’s eye, for you become what you think the most about”.

Presenting the above thoughts to the conscious mind will make most people feel more positive, however the real power of these words, ideas and images is presenting this to the subconscious mind. Remember, the subconscious is a programming computer, and makes no distinction between being programmed in a negative or positive way. Secondly, the subconscious mind accepts all imagined programmed data as real. You will learn how to make your subconscious mind work with and for you, instead of against you. The subconscious mind is like an iceberg, 87.5% below the surface of the water. The subconscious mind has much more influence on your life than your conscious mind.

When people say I feel compelled to do this or that, such as eating the wrong foods or too much food, this is usually coming from the subconscious mind. To control eating and lifestyle habits fast, we need hypnosis to change the subconscious data. If all or part of a weight loss problem is too much food, the wrong food or not enough exercise, hypnosis is dynamite for a healthy earthquake of change. If people wait until all the lights are green, nothing changes in their life. Change happens with more information and action. To find out more or to register for the Feb. 26 online weight loss seminar, visit: For readers of this newsletter, save 53% with discount code: HEALTH.

Have yourself a fantastic day!

Vance Romane