Romane Shares Advice from 100 Year Seniors; Stress Control

Anxiety, Fear, Poor Sleep

Therapists, counsellors, and coaches are currently overwhelmed with clients seeking help for fear and anxiety from lockdowns, social and economic restrictions, social distancing, lack of hugging and intimacy, lifestyle changes, health and job fears, concerns about children’s education and the economy, disturbed sleep and bizarre dreams, negative thinking, needle phobia and increased relationship breakdown caused by Covid-19. Isolation and loneliness are negatively impacting physical and mental well-being. There has been an increase in the use of pharmaceutical drugs, illicit drugs, and alcohol; more anger, depression, overdosing and suicide.

Many years ago, I was employed at the Psychiatric Institute in the Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre. My work was to help many patients who were suffering from anxiety and stress related problems. The benefits of the Stress Control Systems that I used with patients can be easily mastered and enjoyed by anyone. Interestingly, when anxiety and stress are reduced, many emotional, mental, and physical problems automatically vanish.  My Stress Control Workshop will help to eliminate stress, anxiety, negative thinking, trouble sleeping and much more.  The complete Stress Control Workshop is recorded on 4 CD’s (also available as MP3 downloads) and include hypnosis as well as other methods to regain control in your life, to build a healthier and more positive thinking mindset.

The goal is to feel good regardless of what is happening around you.  For more information or to order, click:  However, if your anxiety level is overwhelmingly high, be sure to consult with your physician for medical treatment or a referral to an appropriate mental health professional.

Survey and Advice from People Over 100 Years Young:

  1. Work less and place more value on your relationships and friendships. Keep in touch with childhood friends. The years go by fast.
  2. Spend more time with your children doing simple things like playing catch, enjoying the mysteries and miracles of nature, teaching skills, etc.
  3. Value your health more by dropping unhealthy habits; exercise more.
  4. Do not follow other people’s dreams for you; believe in your own dreams. Be confident in the power of your own mind and thoughts. Trust your inner voice and gut feelings.
  5. Do work that you love or are passionate about, perhaps making some sort of a positive mark on the planet.
  6. Be less serious, sillier, joke around and laugh more.
  7. Live in the present moment.
  8. Do not let your phone take control of you. Turn it off or leave it at home more often.
  9. An educational diploma or degree is not necessary to be proud of yourself, to be successful or to make the world a better place.
  10. Be less critical of yourself. Love yourself as a unique person.
  11. Drop anger and move on to be happier. Instead of looking at the train wreck in the rear, keep your eyes on the front window anticipating a better life ahead.
  12. Make your own good luck by doing something, instead of passively waiting for a miracle to happen.
  13. Stay away from negative, toxic, energy sucking people, whether family or friends. Move towards those who make you feel good and happy. At all ages, associate with quality people, especially people who can teach you something.
  14. Personal happiness comes from sharing and giving, more than taking.
  15. Continue learning and be comfortable with mistakes. They help you to learn and grow. Overcome your fear of public speaking, learn a new language, travel more.
  16. 40-50% or more of marriages end in divorce. For some life does become better, however, years later many people regret that they had not worked harder at improving their communication skills and expressed more appreciation and love towards their partner.
  17. Take a chance meeting someone you want to get to know, even if you might get rejected.

Subconscious Mind Programming: Make a list of what you are now going to add to your life, or to do differently, to avoid future regrets when you are one hundred, looking back on your life. Read the list before sleep. As you lie in bed, ready to fall asleep, project yourself in your imagination, enjoying the benefits.

Living in the moment,

Vance Romane