Romane Hypnosis Session – A gift for you!

Romane Hypnosis Session – A gift for you …

The link below is a hypnosis session I recorded about 25 years ago to help people to have more energy, to increase positivity thinking, to increase self-discipline and to make it easier to achieve success, health, and happiness.

Three Tips: You will always hear me and be aware that you are listening to me. Secondly, stop wondering if you are hypnotized. Listen to this recording just for relaxation and to strengthen your success mindset … and you will be hypnotized. In short, “Just enjoy participating in this relaxing hypnosis meditation with a focused mind state while daydreaming what I say is true. Turn the switch off to analyzing or wondering what is happening. Simply allow yourself to imagine what I say is all true about you right now.” This is like becoming totally involved in a show on television or in a movie theatre and forgetting about what is around you. Several playing’s of the recording will result in the most powerful, positive, and permanent changes in your life.


If you have a specific self-improvement area or change you wish to make in your life, please visit my website ( to see large number of different articles on the Blog and a large variety of hypnosis sessions recorded to make life easier and more enjoyable.


Vance Romane