Romane Hypnosis Help to Keep Resolutions, Better Sleep, More

Happy New Year to all our thousands of subscribers! I have included more help to keep your resolutions plus tips to help a current frequent problem, difficulty having a sound sleep.

Answer to the Most Frequent Question from Subscribers: No live Romane Hypnosis Seminars are planned this year in any cities except Edmonton, Sun. Jan. 22, at the Fantasyland Hotel. If you or your friends are unable to attend, I recommend that you order the hypnosis recordings. Millions of people have succeeded by using hypnosis recordings in their home.

More Help For Keeping Your Resolution …

Conscious Mind Willpower? Not very effective, otherwise we would easily break and establish new habits. Like consistent physical exercise keeps us physically healthy, regular mental exercises with hypnosis will keep us in good mental shape. With the help of a hypnotist or even self-hypnosis where you hypnotize yourself, you can more easily reach your goals. If you have experienced success with hypnosis, tell your friends so they can benefit too.

Hypnosis helps people to change their thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and behavior for success. Millions of people say, “Hypnosis saved my life.”

Nightly Subconscious Mind Programming: This is what works. Before sleep take three long, slow, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Then scan and relax your body step by step, from your toes to head. Imagine each part of your body melting down. Now, imagine, visualize what you want to happen really happening, in detail. Imagine what you are seeing, hearing, and feeling. Imagine yourself enjoying all the benefits as if your daydream were already true. Do this before sleep every time you go to sleep. The positive programming messages will drift into your subconscious mind as you fall asleep. You might even have a dream about it. Your subconscious never sleeps, and it works on your programming while you sleep to make visualizations come true. You may wake up in the morning with action steps to take to achieve your goal. Repetition of this mental exercise brings the best results. Following simple instructions to make changes at the subconscious level can be surprisingly easy, rapid, and effective by creating new beliefs and expectations.

Accomplishing smaller improvements or goals first will build up your feeling of having a success mindset. Recall times you were successful to further boost your confidence. Program your mind before that interview, speech, date, game, or other challenges. Repetition of mental programming gives the strongest results. Mental practice makes perfect. The key is to lock positive instructions and success visualization daydreams into the subconscious mind as if they are already true. This is guided future projection imagery. All you need to do is identify a realistic goal, have a desire to make it happen and a willingness to set aside time to program your mind.

Milton Erickson, M.D. speaking on the subconscious mind: “The client brings the solution with them, but they don’t know that they bring it with them.” Your subconscious mind is highly creative and accesses your entire life learnings and experiences to produce solutions right for you.

Stress: Many stress, anxiety and tension management “experts” have died from stress and tension, cardiovascular disease. You can learn to relax your body and mind, improve sleep, establish a new healthy lifestyle and much more by learning stress management mental and physical exercises. The ability to relax is a skill that gets better with practice. A person who is anxious, worries, or is nervous needs to especially relax muscles around the eyes because of the connection to imagined fears. Also, relaxing the muscles of the tongue, throat and mouth helps to quiet unwelcome recurring thoughts in the mind. Fears can be in the past, present, or future. Relaxing the eyes and other parts of the body helps to develop calmness, peace of mind and reduces bodily tension. Insomnia is usually caused by thinking about problems. Write your problems down before you go to sleep and forget them until tomorrow.

Chronic psychological stress and tension of the muscles may lead to teeth grinding, heart disease, headaches, chronic fatigue, colitis, gastric problems, excessive drinking, eating, smoking and many other problems. Learning to relax can lower blood pressure, pulse, help the gastric intestinal system and much more. For a complete stress management workshop, click here:

For a restful sleep hypnosis recording, click here:

Tips for better sleep:

Make your own good luck with plans and action,

Vance Romane