Romane answers to your hypnosis questions and much more

Questions Asked by Newsletter Members … (I welcome all hypnosis related questions )

Are you coming to Abbotsford? We have no plans this year. It is worth the drive to go to Langley Jan. 26th to save your life. The sooner you come, the better for your health and the less hard-earned money you burn up with slow motion suicide on the installment plan … Or, order the seminar recordings. Go to for an update on my current live seminars now coming to Victoria, Richmond, Surrey-Langley and Burnaby, BC.

Are your hypnosis recordings as effective as your seminars? Yes. Although some people do well with a single playing, most people should reinforce the hypnosis by re-playing the recordings for reinforcement and solid permanent change. The silly excuse people have is I’ll wait until he comes. I may never come. I am semi-retired.

Are you coming to Edmonton or Calgary? No plans right now. Possibly in the spring. Why wait to save your health. Fly to Vancouver or use my hypnosis recordings right away. Hard to believe for many, but yes, the recordings usually work 100% if you play them.  They are available as downloads, CD’s or DVD’s.

I tried other hypnotists, but I can’t be hypnotized: I can hypnotize most anyone if they are willing and have a brain that works to focus attention enough to watch a TV show. I train and condition people to be hypnotized, then I hypnotize them. All hypnotists are not the same. Levels of training and experience vary dramatically.

Why do you no longer bring your seminars across Canada? You used to present almost 100 seminars a year. Much as I love presenting seminars, love helping and meeting the many wonderful people who attend, I decided to slow down for several reasons. I am 70, so I usually will not travel in the winter anymore. I almost lost my life about 15 times on the highway in blizzards and slippery roads. For example, one time my small bus slid off a cliff and would have dropped about 200 feet, but the bus was stopped by a huge rock that became stuck between the two back wheels as we were going off the road down the hill. Also, life goes very fast and is very stressful with highway travel and airports. I frequently worked over (often stressful) 100 hours a week. I have time now to cook plant-based food that is usually healthier and better tasting than restaurants; there is more time to spend with my family; more time for exercise, to relax, to read and to travel to more countries with interesting cultures. I still keep up my hypnosis studies.


Singer Adele has been in the news as having dramatic weight loss with the help of hypnosis. A few other celebrities who have used hypnosis to lose weight include Jennifer Aniston, Nigella Lawson and Lily Allen. Hypnosis works by changing mindset to no longer obsess about food. Instructions are given under hypnosis to boost self-esteem, eat in moderation, to feel satisfied with smaller portions, to eat slower, to make healthier food choices and to be sensitive to the body’s signal to stop eating when full. These instructions and many others are repeated into the subconscious mind for heathier habits and a new lifestyle for a brand new you.

Israeli and Mayo Clinic Researchers have come up with these 7 tips for weight loss:

  1. Have your largest meal in the morning, less in the evening.
  2. Eat a large breakfast that is protein rich.
  3. Have a low carb Mediterranean meal plan.
  4. Smaller plates to control amount of food consumed does not work.
  5. Determine which foods make your blood-sugar spike. Everyone is different and there is no perfect meal plan that is suitable for everyone. In general, a low carb diet and plenty of vegetables is recommended. High blood sugar levels are associated with drops in energy levels throughout the day; heart disease; obesity; liver problems; diabetes; fatty liver and high hunger levels. Individuals respond differently to the same food. Important factors include amount of physical activity, lifestyle, genetics, nutrition and microbiomes, the bacteria in our gut.
  6. The simplest ways to lose weight are to eat large, varied amount of vegetables and to decrease sugary foods. (I’ll add drink lots of water. Often, hunger is just thirst. Drink water first)
  7. If you eat the wrong foods or too much food one day, you have not “blown your program”. Learn from your mistake and take action to get back on the road to a better lifestyle.
  8. I’ll add this: I was talking to some male Hawaiian Dancers in Honolulu. I said how did you get those 6 pack abs? They told me it was 70-90% kitchen and 10%-30% exercise.

No Knee Replacement:

As a young teen, an orthopedic surgeon decided to do a research paper about young children. I was one of them. My right knee had large staples hammered in to stop growth, as the leg was a little longer than the left one. This was repeated in 3 operations. The doctor told me I’d have trouble at 50. I did. At about 55, another orthopedic surgeon said he could replace my knee without a surgical wait by having the surgery done at the University. I imagine it was helping to instruct students with practice on me. I said no thanks. I gave the doctor $1600 for a knee brace, which I did not like and hardly used. I sometimes used a cane, and on rare occasions, a wheelchair. I began doing leg exercises suggested by a physiotherapist and light muscle building. I lost 25 pounds which meant a huge reduction of pressure on each knee. I have almost zero cartilage in the right knee. Yet, I can walk a fair distance, sometimes for hours. No knee replacement. Moral of story: Many health challenges vanish when you lose weight; eat thoughtfully; exercise moderately; have positive thinking (instead of victim thinking); take adult responsibility and action; (instead of wishful thinking) and laugh a lot (it eliminates stress). The key is DO SOMETHING. If what you are doing is not working, do something else. Stop banging your head against a wall.

Sugar is considered by many to be a poison:

It is gasoline/fuel for cancer. People ask me, how can I cut down on sugar? I have a recording to help if you make time to play it. Here’s a quick answer. Look at the cost of dental repair before you think about eating those sticky candies, gooey chocolates, pastries and drinking those high sugar soft drinks. A quick internet search turned up these average costs in Canada: Root Canal: up to $2000; Crown: $800 to $1700; Dental Implant: $1500 to $6000. Don’t forget extraction, fillings and bone grafting costs; driving back and forth to the dentist; inconvenience; pain, etc. Lower prices may indicate less experienced dentists or less area competition. Getting dental work? Get more than one opinion. Different dentists can have different opinions on what should be done. So, if you are being “kind” to yourself, or the little children with a high calorie “sugar treat”, stop the self-abuse, the mistreatment. Good chance the sugar problems will show up later. Why do we humans do so many dumb things with our own hands. When you are off heavy sugar items for a while, going back will taste just too sweet. Lack of dental care makes the problem worse. Serious dental problems can cause many problems throughout the body, even death. If you don’t pay attention to your teeth, they will just go away.