Protection from mind manipulation

Many things in life can be used for good or bad. Food is good, however used to excess, it is bad. Money is good for hospitals, schools, roads and libraries, but can also be used to buy bombs that murder innocent people. Love is wonderful, but if a lonely person is lured on the internet with adoring poems to send all their lifetime savings, that can end with poverty and a vanishing admirer.  Mind programming techniques can be used to break habits, overcome pain and to become your best in athletics, but may also be used for evil purposes.

The understanding and recognizing of mind control and manipulation methods can help protect you from them. They are regularly applied by governments, military, dictators, politicians, religious and spiritual groups, conspiracists, advertisers, “offbeat” therapeutic groups and in many other diverse gatherings of people. Some of these groups are international and some are hidden in a home in your neighborhood. They practice mind manipulation for one or several reasons including control, power, fame, money and sex. Here are some of the methods used by the thousands of nefarious groups in existence:

  1. Isolation, lack of privacy. “Come to our retreat (in the middle of nowhere), with the nicest people in the world. Free food, singing, dancing, drumming, games, chanting, rituals, long extended meditation sessions, exercise, nature, fresh air, helping others.” Oh, by the way, the next bus from here is not scheduled for two weeks, or it’s a “marathon weekend with long days” for a “higher mind”.
  2. Overwhelming attention and love by individuals and by the group, also called “love bombing”. Often one or more people are “assigned to you to keep you on track”.
  3. Encouragement of participation in child-like behavior and confusing games to encourage child-like non-analytical thinking, dependence, subservience and mind control.
  4. Sleep deprivation from long days of constant and confusing activities to disrupt rational thought, to dismiss critical thinking. Random punishing and rewarding of similar behavior.
  5. Confusion methods: Long confusing discourses, lectures. Overstimulation of all the senses, perhaps flashing lights, strong incense, objects for visual fixation, unique hats and elaborate clothing, stimulating or meditative music, display of wealth including gold, expensive cars, private jets, helicopters, a luxurious mansion; possibly even drugs to increase dissociation of mind and body for increased suggestibility. The leader may dazzle you by overvaluing his wealth, possessions and number of followers.
  6. Blaming, finger pointing: “We have the way, all the answers. Your family, society, other groups are all losers, mistaken, sinful, or evil. You are privileged to be in the know. You must stay away from all others. We will all disown you if you do not follow our cause, doctrine.” Your failures are not your fault because all your bad luck is caused by all those other people.
  7. Discouraging all questioning of the leader, who is often charismatic. He is often an amateur “magician” who sets up events to make him appear to have magical or god-like powers such as an ability to predict the future, to heal, or to improve your prosperity. He may claim high intelligence, to be in contact with aliens or to be the “chosen one” by the gods. He may also be a great poet, talented with words, a funny and entertaining magnetic speaker or even a musician and singer. Good looks and a strong physical presence help, but are not necessary.
  8. Subliminal/subconscious thought planting: Stressing key words in lectures by vocal intonation, pauses and body language. Speeches have plenty of metaphors, junko logic, lies and words with strong visual imagery to affect emotions. The subconscious responds more to emotion than logic. Dramatic, theatrical and passionate speeches exciting the emotions are common.
  9. Group peer pressure, co-operation by not wanting to feel out of place. “Mob mentality.” A larger number of followers or huge audiences give a false sense of legitimacy and credibility to the “guru”. More members and larger audiences will be claimed than actually exist.
  10. Repetition: Messages are repeated constantly for “brain-washing”. Lies are believed because of constant repetition causing a loss of critical reasoning. The leader will use all forms of promotion so that his picture and messages dominate your thoughts.
  11.  Promise of rewards: You too can have salvation, control, leadership, wealth, power and advancement in the organization by unquestioning dedication to the doctrine of the leader, enthusiastic hard-work, recruiting more followers, etc. “Follow me and you can have all the rewards too.”
  12. Low protein, nutrient deprivation to increase disorientation and suggestibility with acceptance of thoughts that would normally never be accepted by the individual.
  13. Rubbing out individuality:  For example, having everyone dress the same, same haircut, same hat, same tattoo, etc.
  14. Confession of inner secrets to increase vulnerability and possibly to hold with the threat of releasing later if the “devotee” becomes uncooperative or wants to leave the group.
  15. Exaggeration and maximization of guilt or accusations of extreme sins to increase vulnerability.
  16. Creation of fear: threat of being excluded from the group, friends, maybe even family who are group members; threat to reputation by release of inner secrets revealed; threat to soul or even life for lack of agreement with the group or wanting to leave the group; threat of loss of emotional and financial support by the leader and group members. “The leader owns you.”
  17. Recruiting of misguided famous people or celebrities who have many fans attached to them who will want to do what their celebrity hero is doing.
  18. Having the member donate all personal money and material possessions to the group, making them even more dependent on the group. Having increasingly expensive levels of “spiritual” development so the member is even more indoctrinated into the group and maybe financially indebted as well. What people or groups come to your mind that are using some of the above mind manipulation methods?

Healthy therapy or group memberships teach you to stand on your own feet, respect your individuality and develop independent coping skills that help you to reach your goals. They encourage you to develop your self-acceptance, self-esteem, self-love, confidence and happiness. Healthy relationships do not control you, but teach you self-control, empowerment.