Overcoming Self-Doubt: Practical Tips for Everyday Life by Vance Romane

Ever find yourself doubting your abilities or feeling unsure of yourself? It’s totally normal, but it can hold us back from reaching success and our maximum potential. Here are some everyday situations where many people have doubts about themselves and how to overcome it.

  1. Social Settings: Ever been to a party or social event and felt like everyone else was more confident or interesting than you? Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on being present and engaged in the conversation. Remember, everyone has their own insecurities, and most people appreciate genuine interest and kindness. Attending the group with the attitude “I’ll have a great time” is best and often a self-fulfilling prophecy. We get what we think the most about. I feel that most everyone is interesting if you draw them out with the right questions, especially shy people. There is something to learn from everyone. Often the more you learn about anyone or anything, the more interesting, and you want to learn more. I learn much more when I listen rather than talk. You’ve probably heard that’s why we have two ears and one mouth.
  2. Workplace Challenges: Whether it’s giving a speech, being interviewed for a new job, or asking for a promotion or raise, self-doubt may creep into our mind. Instead of letting fear hold you back, focus on your strengths and accomplishments. Remember and focus on a moment where you felt total confidence, strength, and power in a situation. Mentally program yourself as successful with mental movies, like daydreaming, before sleep. Prepare as much as you can for success, practice success visualization, self-compassion with being gentle and loving towards yourself, and remember that mistakes or perceived failure are often just stepping stones to success. Those are learning experiences to guide you in a better direction.
  3. Personal Goals: Whether it’s learning a new skill, a new hobby, or making a lifestyle change, self-doubt can make us have a mental conflict wondering if we have what it takes to achieve our goals. When you break down your goal into smaller, easy-to-do steps, you can celebrate your progress and the journey along the way. The great pyramids were built one stone at a time. Surround yourself with people who believe in you, support you and cheer you on.
  4. Health and Wellness: Negative self-perceptions related to our bodies or health habits can impact our confidence and motivation to take care of ourselves. Some of us give up, “throw in the towel”. Instead of focusing on what you don’t like about yourself, shift your focus to what you can do to be and feel your best you. Focus upon what you like about yourself. Take small, sustainable steps towards healthier habits, and remember that progress, not perfection, is the goal. Trying to be perfect all the time is impossible and creates anxiety. Perfection is often paralysis, procrastination. Simply love yourself enough to look after your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Strive to be your best you, without comparing yourself to anyone. You are unique in this world and no one is like you. You have your own talents and abilities. Your mind is the most amazing computer, so be careful what you put into it and what you spend your time on. Your body is a miracle how it regenerates and heals itself. Your mind and body can do so much for you when you look after them with healthy positivity, proper nutrition, stress management, exercise, enough sleep, and a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Welcoming Change: Whether it’s creating a brand new you or facing unexpected life challenges, self-doubt can make us hesitant to do something new. Instead of letting fear stop you in your tracks, welcome new actions for change as an opportunity for better health, success, and happiness. Trust in your ability to learn something new, to adopt a new lifestyle and to bend whatever comes your way to your advantage. Remember that you’re stronger, smarter, and more creative than you realize, particularly when you use the inner magic and power of your subconscious mind. I always remember what Dr. Milton Erickson said: “Your subconscious is a lot smarter than you are” (your conscious mind). Learn self-hypnosis and you have a hypnotist with you 24 hours a day to do whatever you want to do with maximum effectiveness.

In every area of life, self-doubt, self-criticism, and imaginary fears can pop up and make us question ourselves. But by practicing self-compassion, patience, forgiveness, focusing on our strengths, and taking small, practical steps towards our goals, we can overcome and live our lives with confidence, purpose, success, and joy. Here are some of my home-use recorded hypnosis sessions (downloadable MP3s or CDs) that help to maximize your feelings of confidence, power, health and positivity for success and happiness: (Simply, relax on your favorite chair, couch or bed, close your eyelids, and listen to my voice)

Mind Power Seminar; Self-Hypnosis Seminar; The Wellness Journey-Mind Power and Self-Hypnosis (Book); Self-Esteem and Self-Acceptance; I Believe in Myself; End Procrastination; Powerful Concentration; Fall Asleep Easily; Achieve Maximum Happiness; Program Your Mind for Success; Reach Your Goals; Be Forgiving; Be More Assertive and Confident; Banish Worry; Overcome Fear of Failure; You Are What You Think; Self-Empowerment-Achieve personal power in your life; Positive Mental Attitude (for those seeking employment); Confidence at Job Interviews; Self-Discipline; Stop Negative Thoughts.

Here’s where to order: https://vanceromane.com/more-recordings/

The best time to start something new is now – so you can say to yourself soon, “I am glad I did, instead of I wish I had.”