Nothing Like the Power of Programming Positive Thoughts While You Are Hypnotized

We attract what we focus our mental energy upon. The subconscious cannot tell the difference between reality and imagination. That’s why dreams seem so real, yet real life can seem like a dream. With the powerful concentration of hypnosis, you can imagine yourself already successful. A can of pop has about 10 teaspoons of sugar. One a day can give you about 15 pounds of fat by the end of the year, and one pop a day can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes. Coke is great for cleaning engines, blood on cement, dissolving nails, osteoporosis and dissolving your bones. Hypnosis makes it easy to become a positive thinker and a person of action. You can change our thoughts, feelings and behavior to become healthier, happier and more successful.

Let me do all the work to hypnotize you. It feels good to just lay back and let someone else drive the car for a while. You will lock your mind around the picture of you as a non-smoker, a clean fresh air breather, a slim person, a relaxed person, a non-drinker, a positive thinker or whatever else your goals are. Whatever it is, hypnosis will usually make it  healthier or better. Hypnosis is simply focusing on my voice while accepting my instructions. You will reap rewards for the rest of your life. Find a smile on your face, good things are about to happen in your life. When you are hypnotized, is your mind relaxing your body or is your body relaxing your mind? The answer is both, for mind influences body and body influences mind.

Stop being a victim living in the past. Stop looking in the rear-view mirror. Look out the front window. Live in the now, the present, and you are fully alive. Get your life back, get your energy, your power and your spirit back. Get your health back. Negative thoughts cause toxic chemicals in the body. Stop mistreating yourself with negative thinking.  Good in life comes from positive thoughts, not negative. Change your thoughts and you change your emotions by triggering the chemistry of happiness and health. Every image in your mind affects your health and happiness. You can apply self-hypnosis daily in your life. Stress increases adrenaline which damages blood vessels.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are going to shake off smoking, overeating and other unwanted habits when you shake off the negative thoughts. Stopping smoking is easy. Bondage is hard. If you have not had success in life, it is not your fault. You just did not have the right knowledge and plan of action.

Love yourself to be motivated to look after yourself. Look in your eyes in the mirror every day and say “I really love you.” You had better love yourself, because everywhere you go, you are beside yourself. If you haven’t got love for yourself, you can’t give it. You must believe you have self-control and self-discipline to have it. Do you expect change or success to be hard or easy? Your body is here but is your mind here?
When it comes to addictions: Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs or Gambling, people usually either stop 100%, or keep doing it. Repeated use of a hypnosis session will shield you from triggers like Stress, Alcohol, Loneliness, Cockiness or thinking “just one won’t hurt”. Why is it often “I will start that diet next Monday?”

20% will develop mental illness sometime in their lifetime. Caffeine increases adrenaline that can worsen pain. Cancer often develops 6-18 months after stressful situations. Animals under stress have an enormously higher chance of developing cancer. Exercise should be #1 on your daily list to eliminate stress, strengthen the immune system, lessen depression, control weight and increase energy and feelings of well-being. The body averages 55-60% water. Lose about 10% of your body weight in water and you die. Lubricate your body with sufficient water for blood circulation, digestion, organ function, etc. Focus more on health than wealth.

Wishing is nice but planning and action is best. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. My hypnosis seminars and recordings give you clear plans that work. And you will have backbone.  When you know what to do, you can even help other people, touching many lives. That’s real power!

Play my recordings over and over and you rinse out the negative thoughts in your mind for an avalanche of positive thoughts and positive action. You need to feed your mind positive thoughts daily just like food… a positive non-stop recorded message in your head. In days or weeks, you are going to think “that seminar or recording changed my whole life!” We’re talking about how your thoughts and your self-talk affect your health and joy of life.  Where your mind goes, negative or positive energy flows and so your life goes. As Joe Girard says, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.”

Stay away from negative people. Joe Girard says it is like being next to a garbage can, you’ll soon stink. Zig Ziglar said a lot of people have stinkin thinkin. They need a check up from the neck up.

People who struggle need to change the belief who they are. Locked in a cell, people can easily stop smoking.  Without it you live and without it you won’t die. If you were told your head will be cut off if you smoke, you won’t smoke. You’ll do something else if stress comes along, like exercise or deep breathing.

Jack LaLane always said “if man makes it, don’t eat it. Your body is your most priceless possession, take care of it; what you eat today, you will wear tomorrow and if it touches your lips, tomorrow it will be on your hips.”

No one alive or dead has helped more Canadians to stop smoking than me. You were born rich, with a powerful mind. If my seminar or recordings do not work, did you work the program? Learn the proper plan, and work together with me. Clients are always welcome to phone for free telephone support, but most people never need it. Take action! Ready? Say “I’m ready!”