More tips to increase the effectiveness of hypnosis:

You can imagine you are an actor playing a role. To make it real, imagine what you see, hear, feel, taste and smell. Really immerse yourself into the fantasy as you are guided by Romane’s relaxing voice. The important principle is that the subconscious accepts imaginary experiences as if they are real experiences. That is why a dream can seem like a vivid experience of real life.

Here is how you can vary the visual: Make it color or black and white; vivid or washed out, fading; bright or dark; sharp details or fuzzy; close or far; moving or still; fast or slow; you can be in the image, or watching from afar; see yourself from the right, left, front and back; 3 dimensional or flat; other people larger or smaller. For example, you could imagine foods you should not eat with cockroaches, worms, snakes, etc. Use all your senses to make the fantasy seem as real as possible. Create the image, and then let it mull over in your mind as you focus upon it in a dreamy way. To eliminate habits, you imagine them as far away, tiny, faded. To establish goals, you bring them close, make them large, vivid and clear.

Here is how to vary the auditory: sound from inside or outside; rich, clear or full/nasal or grating; loud or whisper; fast or slow; constant or intermittent; stereo or mono.

Here is how to vary the kinesthetic: tingling; warm relaxed/cold tense; where is it felt in your body; is the sensation moving or still; steady/continuous or waves; starts where; fast/slow.