Make the Impossible Possible Real

How many times have you thought something was impossible, but you did it?  How many times have parents, employers, friends, and even physicians have said you will never do this or that, but they were dead-wrong.  Many times I have heard physicians say “this is going to hurt, you’ll never walk again, there is no cure”, and if the person accepted the belief, that is exactly what would happen. Our beliefs rule our lives, unless we learn to examine and control them.

In one case, a physician came to see his patient after surgery.  The patient was unable to walk, yet the surgery had nothing to do with the ability to walk. When the patient was hypnotized, he was able to recall hearing a conversation between two doctors in the hallway outside his room.  The doctors in the hallway said “he’ll never walk again”, however, they were talking about someone else.  Because the patient had just come out of surgery, his mind was groggy, focused and very suggestible.  The hypnotist removed the negative belief and the patient was again able to walk.  The hypnotist merely said to the hypnotized patient “they were talking about a different patient, you can easily walk”.

As you can understand, the mind is very open to following positive or negative instructions when the mind is concentrated.  Fortunately, hypnosis can change beliefs and these new beliefs can bring health to the body as well as success and happiness.  Of the greatest importance is that negative instructions are not given, and secondly, that the instructions are positive, planned, and powerful whenever the mind is focused and concentrated on the instructions.

You can use hypnosis to change your life with either live sessions with a hypnotist or even hypnosis recordings.  Next time you think something is impossible, challenge your beliefs.  Here are some examples of wrong thinking:

  • 1902: Astronomer Simon Newcomb said “flight by machine heavier than air is unpractical and insignificant, if not utterly impossible”.
  • 1913: The American Road Congress stated “it is an idle dream to imagine that… automobiles will take the place of railways in the long distance movement of … passengers”.
  • 1927: Harry Warner of Warner Brother’s Studios said “who the hell wants to hear actors talk”.
  • 1943: Thomas J. Watson, chairman of IBM said “I think there is a world market for about five computers”.
  • 1977: Ken Olsen, president of Digital Equipment Corporation said “there is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home.”