Maintaining Positivity

Positive Word Power Magic

Positive or negative words, thoughts, feelings and mental images will release healthy or unhealthy chemicals in our brain and body. These all dramatically affect our happiness, success, health, our relationships and most any other area of our life.

Read these positive words and imagine that you possess what they evoke in you. This exercise will make you feel better. However, if the same words are carefully woven together, then repeated to you while you are hypnotized, they can have a far more powerful positive effect that can be permanently life-changing.  As you read them slowly, pause and think about each word as if it is true about you. Let yourself believe and feel with all your heart, mind and gut that they are absolutely true:

1st Experience:

I AM … an achiever, admirable, admired, enchanting, affectionate, affluent, prosperous, amiable, amorous, A-OK, A-One, appealing, charismatic, appreciated, attractive, pleasing, refreshing, beautiful, breathtaking, brilliant, calm, confident, cheerful, a clear thinker, delightful, dazzling, determined, a doer, dynamic, dynamite, a dynamo, elated, triumphant, elegant, bold, inventive, entertaining, amusing, funny, enthusiastic, zestful, excellent, remarkable, exceptional, magnificent, first class, top-notch, special, unique, exuberant, cheerful, fabulous, fantastic, free, generous, gentle, gracious, kind, great, happy, honest, ideal, impressive, remarkable, splendid, wonderous, ingenious, inspiring, interesting, engaging, joyful, jovial, benevolent, gentle, loving, compassionate, lovely, lovable, loving, magnetic, magnificent, marvelous, charming, upbeat, personable, pleasant, phenomenal, riveting, radiating positive energy in me and around me.

I AM a good person.  I am content. I love myself. I am strong, capable and talented. I turn lemons into lemonade. I deserve happiness, health and success. I focus less on the past and more upon the present moment and where I am going. I am a unique person with my own special talents and abilities. I have a PMA, a positive mental attitude. When I get out of bed each day, I choose to be positive, grateful and happy. I choose to uplift myself and others. I choose a positive mood, regardless of the mood and energy of others around me. Attitude is everything.

If you thought at some point, that is not me, this is the critical part of your conscious mind. During hypnosis, your subconscious mind is totally focused upon the voice of the hypnotist. The critical part of your mind has “gone for a walk.” You will absorb all positive directions given by the hypnotist. However, there is still a part of your mind that can reject a totally dangerous, unethical or immoral instruction when necessary.

2nd Experience:

Close your eyes; take several deep breaths in through your nose, hold it and then breathe out through your mouth. Take your time and imagine each part of your body relaxing, melting down, starting with your feet upwards towards your head, brain and mind. Then imagine yourself in a favorite place, real or imagined, where you are relaxed, happy, calm and peaceful. Now create the scene in your mind in amazing detail: what you see, hear, smell, taste, feel in your body and in your mind. Thoughts release chemicals, chemicals affect feelings, feelings affect your health, happiness, peace of mind, relationships and most everything in your life. When you imagine, really be there. For example, make the colors bright, the image large, 3D; add movement. You can imagine everything in realistic detail. Or you can also carefully remember a past pleasant experience in detail. Adjust each imaginary sense to exactly what feels good to you. You can create a control room in your brain with computers, dials, buttons and switches to create any change or effect you desire.

When you imagine being at a fun social event, an upcoming or past wonderful date or a fantastic vacation, you feel good. What you tell yourself is important. If you think success thoughts, good thoughts about yourself and your future, it will change your actions and behavior. Your thoughts affect how you carry yourself, your posture, your facial expression, your gaze and your voice. Others will respond more favorably towards you. You will be more motivated and expectant to achieve success and you will act on what you must do if you believe success is assured.

Research indicates:

  • Pessimism is associated with a higher risk of dying, a shorter life and poor health. High optimism strongly increases cardiovascular health, general health and length of life. We tend to become what we think the most about. After a diagnosis of heart disease, optimism is a powerful predictor of who will live and who will die.
  • ”Broken Heart”: Losing a significant person in your life raises the risk of heart attack the next day by 21 times; 6 times in the week following. This is due to a flood of stress hormones increasing blood pressure and heart rate. Cynical hostile people are more likely to die earlier and more likely to die if they have cancer.
  • Stop blaming other people for your discomfort. You are responsible for your thoughts and you are affected by your thoughts. You are not a victim. Step outside of yourself as a watchful witnessing observer of what is happening. Imagine a large garbage can with a tight-fitting lid. Throw anything negative that comes to mind right out of your mind straight into the garbage can with lightning speed. Empty the garbage can into the incinerator. Or place it on a rocket to travel to the outer limits of endless space. Negative people become your teacher. Turning off disturbing television news may be a way to preserve your mental health. Wherever possible, spend your time with joyful and happy people. Do what you love. Do what makes you happy. Read positive books, listen to positive people and watch positive shows.
  • Positive thinking opens your mind to intuition and to seeing favorable opportunities that already surround you. How are you programming yourself? Arrange your mental programming input to change your self-image to be the person you want to be. This is not fantasy or magical thinking. It is positive thinking combined with doing what you have to do with tenacity, dedication and persistence. Create a detailed plan or plan to fail. Visualize your goal as already accomplished. When positive instructions and empowering directions are received during hypnosis, your subconscious does not distinguish between imagination and reality. This makes programming positive thoughts in hypnosis powerful, just like programming a computer. The brain is a sophisticated computer. Creativity and intuition are also more accessible in hypnosis.
  •  Mark Twain, with great humor wrote: “When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the man around. But when I was twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.”

We are all students and teachers. All is connected from you to the endless universe. Love and opportunities are everywhere in the air. Set your frequency. Expect to receive what you need.

Uplift others and you uplift yourself, enjoy the sunshine,

Vance Romane