Maintaining Mental and Physical Health during COVID-19 Isolation: Anxiety and Boredom Solved

Many people have e-mailed me that they have “island fever”, “lockdown cabin fever” or are going “stir crazy” being cooped up inside their home due to coronavirus. Introversion is now cool. Personally, I am never bored because there are so many things to do. To eliminate boredom as well as anxiety and worry, here are many steps I take and many more you may want to do:

• Have an Italian night with Italian music. Cook Italian food; watch an Italian movie with subtitles, a movie filmed in Italy or a travel show about Italy. The same can be done with Greece, China, Japan, Mexico, Morocco and others.
• Cook or bake using recipes you have been storing for when you have time.
• If you have a good imagination, you can go armchair travelling. I love Hawaii. I’ve been there about 50 times. I cannot go now, so I watch shows about Hawaii. If I really want to be there, I self-hypnotize myself to make the trip even more real.
• Enjoy videos or old photographs of yourself, your family and your special photo moments.
• Dust off those books you have been intending to read for years.
• Watch or watch again those movies collecting dust, or newly released movies on the internet that are there because the theaters are closed.
• Phone, email, skype or use an app to chat with old and current friends, relatives and neighbours.
• Send jokes, funny videos or interesting information to people you know.
• Have fun with an old hobby that you now have time for or learn something new: painting, a new language, how to skills, learn to play an instrument, history, etc.
• Play some music you loved when you were younger. You will feel younger again because the music and event memories are associated in your subconscious mind.
• Play games or teach children how to count, to understand time on a clock, money denominations; weights and measures; mathematics; be amazed by science magic, learn magic tricks or help with schoolwork. Read to your children. Hug your children. Encourage and tell them how unique and special they are. Delight in learning from your children and seeing the world fresh and new again through their eyes.
• Dance, sing.
• Exercise. The gyms are closed, but YouTube has exercise videos for stretching, isometrics, even developing “six pack” abs with no exercise equipment. You may not be there now, but consistent exercise today brings you closer than yesterday.
• Stop Smoking. Coronavirus is far more dangerous to smokers, as are most other illnesses.
• Begin a program of learning or self-improvement. Knowledge may be power, but action with that knowledge is greater power. First you need to be motivated to start. Write a list of powerful reasons why you want the “prize” and the benefits once you get it. This will be your engine to keep you going. Many people have trouble practising the healthy habits they want because their lives are too busy. Well, if you are not working now, or self-isolated, now is the best time to act to make your own good luck.
• Have a calm, peaceful, clear mind. Practice deep breathing, yoga, meditation or self-hypnosis instead of a caffeine coffee or alcohol break.
• What makes you feel good? Be kind to yourself. Do it now.
• Watch some comedians, comedy movies or funny people and animal videos.
• Limit your exposure to negative people, coronavirus statistics, news shows. Read my positive living book The Wellness Journey: Mind Power and Self-Hypnosis or listen to a podcast or recording on positive thinking, healthy lifestyles, happiness, joyfulness.
• Build a model ship; learn about nutrition and boosting your immune system; your mind; your body; spirituality; spring clean; clean the lint and dust out of the back of your fridge, your fans and dryer vent; fix or paint what is needed; minimize by assembling items to sell, donate or discard; make a paper airplane; make a list of what you are grateful for; get a really restful sleep; do self-massage; learn knitting; take a long relaxing bubble bath with soft music, candles, aromatherapy; cultivate a small potted herb garden or flowers; have a herb tea; learn a skill to be self-employed; drink more water; doodle; close your eyes and go back in your memories to a favorite happy place and remember what you heard, saw, smelled, tasted, felt; learn about tantric sex; write a success plan; plan a vacation; check my blog and website at for free information about self-hypnosis, stress control, stopping smoking, weight loss, better sleep, positive thinking, mind power and much more; keep a journal of uplifting positive thoughts and quotes; write that book you have been talking about; smile and laugh more; plan a makeover; do a crossword or jigsaw puzzle. If you have a balcony or outside deck, listen to the birds and get some vitamin D sunshine. Live in the present moment. Make a written list of what you chose to do to improve your mind, body, spirit, happiness, success. Give yourself a big, enthusiastic, warm hug. Appreciate and love yourself.

Two well-known quotes for the times:

“…give us courage to change what must be altered, serenity to accept what cannot be helped, and the insight to know the one from the other.” Reinhold Niebuhr

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8 King James Version.