How To Use The Power Of Your Mind to Lose Weight (Part 3)


Another good tactic is to use small spoons and forks. This will make it easier for you to eat more slowly and to chew your food more thoroughly. It seems like you have eaten more food if you use small utensils and thus have to make more trips between the plate and your mouth. You will eat more slowly and feel full with less food.

Slim people often tell me that they are not very interested in food, that they have better things to do than to eat. You can develop this lack of interest or boredom towards food by externalizing your interests. For example, exercise, walking, swimming, finishing old tasks, starting new ones, or generally having more important things to do. Make a reference list. Affirmation: “I eat to live, not live to eat.”

You should develop the habit of eating three meals each day, at approximately the same times each day. These “sit down” meals need not be large, but you will be helped to break the dangerous snacking habit. If you continually eat at odd hours, your body may begin to feel hunger continually.

When you resist a temptation to eat something that you should not be eating, either at home alone, at a social gathering, or at work, be sure to stop for a few seconds and think about how proud you are of yourself. Develop a feeling of pride and accomplishment; the thought of success. Like an approving pat on the head to a good child, you will be rewarding yourself and slowly breaking and shattering old habits. Another way to reward yourself is to save up money in a small bank or a separate savings bank account that would have been spent on “junk” in the past. When you have enough money, treat yourself to some small luxury such as a ring, a new watch, a week-end trip, etc.

During the latter part of your program, you will probably not notice too much weight loss. The last few pounds are the hardest to lose. BUT REMEMBER, you must continue parts of your program after you have reached your goal, your ideal weight. This continuing program is important for WEIGHT MAINTENANCE. Most people lose 4 – 8 pounds per month.

You should become totally familiar with healthy nutritious foods. Your own doctor will give you the best advice, and many good books are available in libraries, free of charge, to further expand your knowledge. One thing is certain. You can eat a lot of food and still lose weight, but it must be the right food, cooked properly. The sweet and greasy must be avoided. Avoid trimmings like sour cream, salad dressing and gravy. None should be used during weight loss. You may be able to use a little occasionally during weight maintenance. Knowledge is power. Action is greater power.