Hypnosis Weight Control Without Will-Power

My hypnosis weight control seminars and recordings have proven extremely successful for many people. People come to see me for self-control. Hypnosis does not depend upon the will power of your conscious mind. Hypnosis concentrates the imagination in the subconscious mind. Hypnosis is guided success daydreaming with magnified concentration. Hypnosis helps you to stick to a plan, but if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Most other weight loss programs show about a 2% to 5% long term success rate.  People are overweight and obese, in most cases, because they are placing more fuel into their mouth than the body uses. Exercise alone is insufficient. Using hypnosis for weight loss is easy.

Hypnosis instructions can change your taste preferences, adjust cravings, kill the desire for sweets and snacking, control stress induced eating, help you to feel satisfied with smaller portions and much more. Power follows acquiring knowledge, but knowledge must be combined with action. You must do something. Stop the negative self-talk instructions: “I cannot lose weight.” Such thoughts repeated find their way into the deeper subconscious mind. Whatever you want to do, you need to lock positive thoughts and success images into your subconscious mind … a clear image of yourself as already successful. It has already happened, a done deal. Jump into the future in your daydreams. See yourself in detail as the person you want to be. Imagine it already true now. As Earl Nightingale always said: “We become what we think the most about.”

Professional hypnotists program positive instructions into your subconscious mind. In hypnosis, the critical, analyzing, and negative thinking of the conscious mind steps aside. The subconscious mind has power over the conscious mind because what we completely believe and imagine is stronger than will power. When we overwhelm the subconscious with positive instructions, your everyday behavior to eat less, to eat healthier and to move your body more takes effect with less calories in and more calories burned up. Hypnotic weight loss can be effortless.

Mind programming can be done with the help of a hypnotist, or by doing it yourself with self-hypnosis. The best program uses both methods. Lose weight hypnosis recordings used at home have helped many people … no longer a need to clean your plate, to eat when stressed or bored or to eat just because everyone around you is stuffing themselves with unhealthy or excess food.  Hypnosis is a natural method. In hypnosis, your mind is highly concentrated on the hypnotist’s voice and you gain personal power. You do not “try hard” to do this. If you try too hard to fall asleep at night, you become wide awake. When you stop trying, you sleep. However, hypnosis is not an ordinary sleep. Hypnosis is a type of meditation. You are super aware.

Hypnotic instructions become stronger and stronger with repetition. Being hypnotized is a skill and you get better at it with practice. You know hypnosis works because eating and exercise habits have changed.

The small part of an iceberg above the water can be compared to the conscious mind. The large part below the water surface can be compared to the subconscious mind. The subconscious accepts positive or negative programming. My recordings only give you positive programming. All you do is sit or lie down. I focus your attention and lock your mind around new positive thoughts and mental images for powerful self-control. When the hypnosis session ends, you feel relaxed and confident for success.

We become our thoughts. If a woman truly believes she is pregnant, when she is not pregnant, she can develop symptoms of pregnancy such as larger breasts, a larger abdomen and morning sickness. Menstruation can stop. Many hypnotists and physicians are convinced the mind can also change where on the body fat is distributed for a more attractive body shape.

The subconscious files information mostly in pictures. The subconscious does not distinguish between real and imaginary experiences. When you program a detailed clear slim image of yourself into your subconscious mind, your subconscious will automatically change your preferences and habits to match the healthier image.  Change the mental pictures and beliefs in your subconscious mind and you change your life. This method can be used to improve any area of your life.

How can you use hypnosis for weight control? Visit my dedicated weight loss website at www.romane.ca. You will discover available weight loss hypnosis books and recordings, including the hypnosis virtual gastric band system for weight loss, recorded seminars and many more. Keep your eye on the prize, what you desire.