Hypnosis to Stop Smoking and More…

When you are hypnotized, you are super aware of bodily sensations and sounds around you, but especially focused upon the hypnotist’s voice. To be hypnotized involves generating mind focusing and programming beliefs such as you are a non-smoker and coming out of hypnosis with new healthy thoughts locked in the mind. Because you believe differently, you act differently. You can control how deep a level of hypnosis you wish to enjoy and experience. Basically, all you do is listen.

Many people who are convinced that they have not been hypnotized respond perfectly and stop smoking, lose weight and much more, since smoking is really bad for the body and stop smoking even help improving the condition of the body, although you can improve this. You don’t have to be “out of this world” to be hypnotized. This mental state is like being lost in a TV show or movie, listening to music or being absorbed in meditation or prayer. You may develop a feeling of detachment in hypnosis, a sense of peace and calmness or you may not be aware of anything different at all, yet still be hypnotized. Your body responds to images or mental pictures. Just remember now, in detail, the sounds, images and feelings you had where you once felt the most relaxed. If you do this vividly, you will bring back the same sensations of calmness. Don’t just remember. Relive it! Athletes use this type of meditation to imagine perfect performance and maximize their abilities.

In hypnosis, you can move and talk. You can tell yourself every sound around you except an emergency melts your body into a deeper and deeper relaxation. With smoking, I carefully program healthy images into your super computer, your brain. I can help you to see differently, hear differently and feel differently in a way that makes you feel in control and well in mind, body and spirit. Mental programming may be used to improve virtually any area of life. After hypnotic programming of positive instructions into the subconscious mind, you may wonder if you dreamed something or if it really did happen. Most people remember much of what happened during the hypnosis, unless the hypnotist has told them to erase it.

To get the most from hypnotic instructions, you imagine them, believe them and live them. You’ll think, see and feel it to make it real in your mind, all easily guided by the hypnotist.

In short, hypnosis is the control of behavior by suggestion, instruction or direction while in a focused state of mind that has been guided by the hypnotist in one direction, like a train going down a track. You do not need a deep state of hypnosis for stopping smoking or weight loss. Even a light state with a cooperative and motivated person who is interested in change can produce spectacular results.