Hypnosis Tidbits

Tobacco Sales End in Beverly Hills, California…first city to end most tobacco sales. The City Council recently voted unanimously to end sales of cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes and other tobacco products by 2021. The ban includes no sales at gas stations, pharmacies, convenience and grocery stores. Only hotels and 3 plush local cigar lounges are exempted. Will this come to other cities?

My smoking friends: On many occasions I asked friends like Romeo and Bud to attend my stop smoking seminar as my guest. Unfortunately, they never came. Sadly, both died of smoking. I know I could have helped them. In over 55 years of experience with hypnosis, I have noticed when people sincerely apply my simple methods, they have success. They must take the first step. From breaking unhealthy habits to establishing new habits, to helping children, to helping couples to passionately love each other, and a thousand other areas, hypnosis works. Professional Hypnosis teaches you self-control, mental mastery, mental discipline. You gain control.

What driving need is it that causes someone to bring their own hand to their mouth for unhealthy or excess foods, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc. that cause suffering, illness and shortens their life? Why do millions of people do things that destroy their life? Those unhealthy needs can be satisfied in new healthy ways, especially with the science of hypnotism. Yes, hypnotism is used worldwide in hospitals, by surgeons, physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, ministers, counselors, lawyers, dentists, nurses and many other helping professions.

Cults: There may well be over 10,000 cults in the USA alone. The leader often practices verbal abuse until the person feels low, unworthy, no self-esteem with ego destruction. Prime candidates are well educated, 16-35, Caucasian, middle class, intelligent, idealistic, often lonely. They often join in adolescence and young adulthood. Alternate punishing and rewarding of similar actions ramps up confusion and high suggestibility. Once celebrities become involved and promoted as members, many more are convinced to join up. The cult seems to have all the answers, outsiders are wrong or evil or ignorant. Those who leave the cult membership face ostracism, banishment by the group members, family and friends. In a cult, you lose control. There is psychological and physical abuse. Have you read the recent news on the NXIVM Cult and multi-level marketing scheme, including branding of women?

Negative Self-Talk: The cardiovascular system is strongly influenced by our attitudes, emotions, stress, grief, loneliness and abundance or lack of love and support. Relaxation, hypnosis, meditation, imagery and prayer add strength to medications, surgery, heart healthy nutrition, and exercise. Positive thoughts and images are powerful. Thoughts release chemicals in our body that can heal or harm us. Sad tears have different chemicals than happy tears. Your brain and body produce thousands of chemicals with your thoughts. The chemicals affect your behavior, failure and success, illness and health. Learn to control your mind.

Mind Power, Healing, Chemotherapy: By just being hypnotized, often headaches and backaches simply disappear due to the relaxation. One study states that 30% of women in a placebo group who thought they were receiving chemotherapy, but were not, lost their hair. From: Fieldag, J. “An Interim Report of a Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Study of Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Operatable Gastric Cancer”: British Stomach Cancer Group, World Journal of Imagery, Vol. 7, 1983, pages 390-399.

Ever had someone in your life who was mean, nasty, lying, cheating, stealing, dishonest, devious, deceitful, cruel, and conniving? They lied, cheated, and fooled you and they got away with it! Everyone has and it feels good to know you are not alone, doesn’t it!  The reality is life is not fair. You can live in the past and be a victim feeling sorry for yourself, or you can say the past is long past being past, best left in the dusty old past. You can say I am starting again fresh from Square One, and get your life back, get your energy back, get your spirit back, get your power back. You need to let it go more than the person needs to be forgiven. Grind up anger, bitterness, hate, grudges and any thoughts of revenge.

Hate is like acid. It damages the container in which it is stored, as well as on what it is poured. Hate corrodes the body and brain it is carried in.  It’s like holding in your hand a red hot coal waiting to throw it at someone while it is burning you. It is like walking around with a black poison inside you, hoping it will hurt someone, while it is killing you, but they are not thinking about you because they are out having a good time. You can’t shake hands with a closed fist.

Unforgiving others for whatever they said or did chains you in bondage. The only way to break free is to forgive their words and actions and let it go. You don’t have to tell them that you forgive them. Maybe face to face they are dangerous. You just forgive in your heart and in your mind for your own health. Drop negative thoughts that cause toxic chemicals in the body and release the happy natural chemicals for your health, your happiness, your peace of mind. Get back your joy and laughter. On average, optimists are said to live 7 years longer.

Be healthier by no longer blaming others and rehashing the evil deeds done against you over and over and over, telling others how great a victim you are. This drains your energy and keeps you from positive thinking and happiness. Self-discipline, forgiveness, letting go, brings you peace of mind. Learn from the past and move forward. Know thyself, the power of your own thoughts and words. Compassion brings calm.

Do you really want a better life? Are you serious and ready to do something? Knowledge requires action for power. Are you willing to change your thoughts, your attitudes, your actions? The best investment you can make is in yourself. Difficult times help us to learn from the past; the valleys help us to appreciate the mountains and we emerge stronger than ever.

If you have friends with problems, gift them a hypnosis recording and send it to them anonymously.

Like and love yourself to love others:  If you have it, you can give it. CHOOSE to stop thinking and talking about past hurts. Think instead on the good, what makes you feel good. We cannot change the past, but we can change the effect of the past today. Focus upon the good points of yourself and others.

Love exercise: “Look deep into the pupils of your eyes in your mirror. Say “I love others and I give my best.” Repeat and deeply feel that 5 times. Then, still looking into your pupils, say “I love myself”. Repeat and deeply feel that 5 times. Do this at least once per day.

A candle is an easy focus point for self-hypnosis: Make sure the candle is safely fixed in position and stare at the flickering flame in darkness.

Happiness: 2 police searches to find a woman in her home were finally successful. She was buried and suffocated beneath mounds of clutter, due to her obsessive compulsive collecting of several tons of clothing, books, dishes, and boxes. Constant buying brings temporary happiness, but a continual lack of satisfaction and a lack of long-term happiness. The door of greed can open. Happiness is being satisfied with what you have … many live simply now, not bogged down by things, preferring experiences.

Live fully when you live in the present: the now, in the moment. Dalai Lama was asked when he has been most happy. His answer: “Right now.” Deep breathing will make you feel centered again, in the moment. Take deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. Breathe slowly and deeply down into your body. Breathe in, hold several seconds, breath out. And R-E-L-A-X …..