Hypnosis for People with Ordinary Everyday Problems

Hypnosis for Ordinary Everyday People with Ordinary Everyday Problems … Vance Romane

Weight Control: In a research study, sixty women received weight loss help and were separated into hypnosis versus non-hypnosis groups. The women in the hypnosis group lost an average of seventeen pounds, while the non-hypnosis women only lost an average of one half a pound. (From Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986).

In another study, average weight loss with hypnosis was 11.8 pounds and six pounds without hypnosis. Over the long term, the weight loss of women in the hypnosis group climbed to 14.88 pounds, but those people without hypnosis remained at 6 pounds lost. (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1996).

Calm Confidence for Stage, Public Speaking: The first common sense secret for public presentations is to master what you are talking about, but if you still have the jitters, hypnosis works to eliminate it. Your subconscious is programmed to help you to learn the material and recall it faster and more effortlessly. You are also programmed to believe that the presentation will go very well, with enthusiastic appreciation and praise from your audience. Additional help comes from increased oxygen by deep breathing; being present and focusing upon your purpose and what you can give your audience. Hypnosis and stress management techniques can help with everyday nervousness such as employment interviews, upcoming examinations, driving tests, pre-wedding jitters, dating, and any other anxiety provoking situations. One on one private hypnosis sessions or hypnosis recordings can easily solve many anxiety problems.

Improving Memory: Research has shown that hypnosis can improve your ability to concentrate, to focus, and to learn new material more efficiently. As a high school student, I wanted to improve my concentration and memory. My method was to visualize and program my subconscious mind before sleep. I programmed my mind so that concentration started as soon as I sat in my desk in class. Another anchor trigger to bring the concentration forth was that concentration would occur as soon as I held a book in my hand. Once you have the concentration for a strong memory impression, the ability to recall becomes easier, especially if the mind is relaxed. Learning, while hypnotized, also enhances concentration and memory. Positive post hypnotic suggestions given in hypnosis can increase learning ability in everyday activities when not hypnotized. A strong study plan, healthy eating, sufficient sleep, and regular exercise all help to achieve maximum performance.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: IBS is a common stomach disease with abdominal pain, disturbed bowel movements, abdominal swelling, and bloating. Many medical studies have concluded that hypnosis is a valuable tool that should be used to treat IBS for improvement in gastrointestinal symptoms and quality of life. One of these studies, comes from the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. In 2012, Kate Middleton was rushed to hospital due to intense nausea and lack of appetite. She used hypnosis to calm her stomach and help her to focus on eating healthier food.

Procrastination: Start by using mental imagery to de-clutter and organize your home and workspace. Program your mind that the tasks you wish were done have already been completed. Visualize yourself smiling, happy about yourself and now living in a decluttered home. Repetition of these mental pictures create real action to get things done. Day by day, your self-discipline improves. Visualize, program yourself doing the task and feeling good about the result. Completion of your tasks in the real world will end the wasting of time thinking about de-cluttering or feeling guilty that you are not completing tasks.

“Smoking causes more death and disability than any single disease.” (From World Health Organization). I received an email from a client who said: “Your voice is ingrained in my mind when I think of a cigarette. Not a one. The hypnosis really works. I really wanted to stop. I felt like a slave to them. No more.” If you are a smoker, start changing your thinking and speech. I tell clients “You had been a smoker. You used to smoke. Put it in the past like worn out shoes that you discarded. You are now in control. Write your benefits of being a clean fresh air breather on a card and place it on your mirror. Read it when you are there. Carry it in your wallet. Read it when you are waiting somewhere. Keep following the eight points I gave you. Be proud of yourself. Consider it a done deal. You have left it in the past like the tiny bike you no longer use, old hairstyles and old styles of clothing. You are a clean fresh air breather now. Enjoy the benefits. Laugh a lot. Watch comedy. Relax in healthy ways. You are a clean fresh air breather. You respect your body. Not a one forever.”

Self-Hypnosis for Children with respiratory problems: Emotional problems may trigger respiratory problems. In a study at SUNY Upstate Medical University Pediatric Pulmonary Center, children aged from less than 5 to 18 received self-hypnosis instruction for anxiety, cough, chest discomfort and breathing difficulties. About 75% of eighty-one patients who learned self-hypnosis returned for follow-up and 95% of those reported improvement or resolution of their symptoms. Once again, this shows how mind and body work together.

Skin Conditions: The skin is a mirror of emotions, especially stress, which can trigger psoriasis, eczema, hives, and other skin conditions. Hypnotic relaxation and healing mental imagery can create substantial improvement for the patient. One might imagine a large, miniature, medical or construction crew being assigned to repair the skin condition with all their supplies, equipment, and magical healing creams, herbs, and methods; visualizing yourself healed a few weeks or months in the future; looking and feeling healed. There is abundant research showing benefits of mental healing imagery. Sometimes hypnoanalysis may be used to determine and resolve a psychological, subconscious root cause of the skin problem. Hypnosis is a safe alternative to pharmacological treatment.